I wrote this code:
error in function 'DoWithBeaconAt'. argument #5 is 'function'; 'number' expected
But the API docs says that this argument is the callback. I don't know if the API docs are outdated or if I did something wrong.
Thanks for your help
function handleCommand(a_Split,a_Player) baseBlock = Vector3i(a_Player:GetPosX()+2,a_Player:GetPosY(),a_Player:GetPosZ() + 2) a_Player:GetWorld():SetBlock(baseBlock.x,baseBlock.y,baseBlock.z,E_BLOCK_BEACON,0) a_Player:GetWorld():DoWithBeaconAt(baseBlock.x,baseBlock.y,baseBlock.z,function(beacon) LOG("test") return true end) return true endThe DoWithBeaconAt function throws this error:
error in function 'DoWithBeaconAt'. argument #5 is 'function'; 'number' expected
But the API docs says that this argument is the callback. I don't know if the API docs are outdated or if I did something wrong.
Thanks for your help