Is it possible to implement Variable Triggers?
I'm just going to post their description here and the link and ask is this a possibility with MCServer as this has to be one of the most powerful bukkit scripting engines to date.. I had so many awesome scripts like you walk up to my castles locked gates and the gates animated upward/downward (deleting the bottom layer until x layers were left allowing you to walk under than once you left x /y area the gate closed back up again animated adding the lower layers one at a time.)

Quote:Make your own plugin like features and more using VariableTriggers

This is a very powerful plugin that has unlimited potential. Create triggers that run lines of script when a player Clicks or Walks on a block (dirt, door, switch, trigger, torch, any block) or Create Event Triggers such as PlayerDeath , EntityDeath, BlockBreak, BlockPlaced, Join, Quit, Respawn, Interact and EntitySpawn that also run scripts. You can define Area Triggers and Command Triggers as well. You can use Dynamic Object variables and conditional IF and ELSE statements in the scripts. You can run any command that a player or OP can run and many speacial built-in commands to Teleport, Spawn Entities, Play Effects Visual or Sound, Set Blocks, Toggle Blocks, Check Players Heath and much more!. The scripts are executed on their own threads to take the strain off of the main server thread.

P.S. I know I brought this up in another post but it was not about a request for this plugin more just a question using this plugin as an example, whereas here I am requesting info specifically about this uber plugin.

EG: ClickTriggers.yml
PHP Code:
88,22,388:                //Click x,y,z block
'@TP 120,62,262'      //Teleport to x,y,z location
'@TP 166,58,258'
'@TP 166,66,254'
'@TP 166,74,258'
'@TP 157,70,277'
'@TP 166,62,256' 
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