Hello, and welcome to the forum.
We'd be really glad for any help, especially coding, that we could get. You're at the right place, generally there's no single person to talk to, we discuss things on the forum and whoever feels they have something valuable to add, they reply.
Is there an area that you're particularly interested in improving? Or one that you feel you have good skills for? Or are you better at random generic tasks?

Probably the best way to start is to have a look at the Github list of issues:
https://github.com/mc-server/MCServer/issues . There are a few that have an "easy" label on them, those should be good for newly arriving coders to start with, get their bearing. If you decide to try your luck with one of those, have a look at the discussion in the issue, then drop a note there saying you'll handle it, and code away. Should you need any help, the forum is the right place to search for answers and ask questions (in this order

Please note that we have a rather strict and unique coding style, be sure to read the relevant files in the repo in order to minimize the amount of rework.
If you're more Lua-inclined than C++-inclined, of course there's plenty of opportunities to write plugins. There are lots of plugin requests here in the forum that still haven't been addressed.