Fishing crash
When I press and hold left mouse button some time - server crushed. Is it only my build problem?

Server build on FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p1 #1 r271662 amd64

Error: [23:26:41] Deadlock detected, aborting the server
Error: [23:26:41] D: | MCServer has encountered an error and needs to close
Error: [23:26:41] Details | SIGABRT: Server self-terminated due to an internal fault
Error: [23:26:41] MCServer local build build id: Unknown
Error: [23:26:41] from commit id: approx: 4231dcf7e134a699cfdb7a88ff8116a123259480 built at: approx: 2015-08-16 10:26:59 +0200
Abort trap (core dumped)
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