Yes, that should be very easy to create. In fact, I just did it in under 5 minutes:
Just pop that in "root/Plugins/ShellExecute/main.lua" or something and enable it
I believe io.popen had some problems with Linux though.
function Initialize(a_Plugin) a_Plugin:SetName("Shell Execute") a_Plugin:SetVersion(0) LOG("Shell Execute is initialized"); cPluginManager:BindCommand("/shell", "shell.execute", HandleShellCommand, "Executes the given shell command") return true end function HandleShellCommand(a_Split, a_Player) local ShellCommand = table.concat(a_Split, " ", 2) local res = assert(io.popen(ShellCommand)):read("*all") a_Player:SendMessage(res) return true end
Just pop that in "root/Plugins/ShellExecute/main.lua" or something and enable it
I believe io.popen had some problems with Linux though.