[not quite a guide] Run Cuberite natively on Android
i promised to keep you posted. Basically i can run it now via an app, but i got the porblem that i get a Segfault instead of the app starting. i suppose it has something to do with the libraries, but the pathes are set up the right way. anyone (or @Barracuda72) has any idea? obviously there is no log, etc, but i got a core dump uncompressed fascinating 172KB. I hope someone can look into it.

Thanks in advance

ps: executable is in the archive, too

EDIT: hmmm i wanted to attach the file, but didnt work. however https://qraut.alkaid.uberspace.de/android-core.tar.gz 3MB
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Messages In This Thread
RE: [not quite a guide] Run Cuberite natively on Android - by Schwertspize - 02-21-2016, 04:01 AM

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