Adding players to teams
I am messing around with the team function, and I want to add several players to an already made team.
However, the documentation is really vague about this.

To be exact, this is the description of "AddPlayer":
Adds a player to this team. Returns true if the operation was successful.
Together with it requiring a string as parameter, you would think this is clear enough. However, I have no clue if I have to give it the player UUID, or just the player name. I'm guessing UUID since that would be the most robust (won't break if a player changes his nickname), but I'm really not sure.

Could the documentation be changed so it makes this a bit more clear?
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The code seems to suggest that it uses player names. Sorry - a lot of stuff is lagging behind with the UUID migration and there isn't enough manpower to fix them all.
Thanks given by: PureTryOut
Don't say sorry! You're all doing this in your freetime after all Wink

For now I can work with it using player names, but I'll make an issue for it on Github. At least I now know what I have to use!
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I made an issue for it on Github, and put a $10 bounty on it on Bountysource.
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