[SOLVED] how do i add ram to cuberite?
its a fairly simple question
how do i add ram to cuberite?

Cuberite is using 1gb of my server's ram how do make it use more ram?
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Hello, welcome to the forum.

Cuberite uses as much RAM as it needs. In your case, there's no need for it to use more than 1 GB. There is no option to "use more RAM".

Why exactly would you want to use more RAM anyway? What positive effect are you hoping to achieve?
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(10-15-2016, 06:31 PM)xoft Wrote: Hello, welcome to the forum.

Cuberite uses as much RAM as it needs. In your case, there's no need for it to use more than 1 GB. There is no option to "use more RAM".

Why exactly would you want to use more RAM anyway? What positive effect are you hoping to achieve?
well im makingĀ a big server
i have 6gb free of ram
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You haven't answered my questions.
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Basically, once the server starts needing more RAM, it will allocate it itself. It's not like Java (the vanilla server or Bukkit/Spigot) where you actually have to tell it how much it may use.
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I'd like to add two things:

1. There's a branch (#3151) which allows you to use any extra RAM as a cache to speed things up, but as of now we decided not to merge it because it complicates codebase maintenance and there are higher priority things to do. So it currently isn't part of Cuberite and as others have mentioned, right now, Cuberite uses as much as it needs.
2. You can still encourage Cuberite to use more RAM by tweaking the UnusedDirtyChunksCap setting in settings.ini, the higher, the less frequently Cuberite will release chunks under load. If you set it ridicolously high, chunks will only be released once every 5 minutes. Note that this setting will probably have no effect under light load.
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