(05-14-2017, 03:47 AM)xoft Wrote: Note that this function only works as expected if the chunk which you're querying is loaded. If you have a reasonable doubt that the chunk may be unloaded, you'll need to use the cWorld:ChunkStay() method to force-load it.
I have two function with a little difference. But the first one works fine and the other one works not. In the first function (LoadBedBlock) can i use "Height" out of the inner function and in GetRandomHeight i cant use "Height" out of the inner function, why?
Result: LoadBedBlock Height: 64 IsLaoded: true
PHP Code:
function LoadBedBlock(X,Y,Z,World)
local _, Height
local BedBlock
World:ChunkStay({{math.floor(X / 16), math.floor(Z / 16)}}, nil,
_, Height = World:TryGetHeight(X, Z)
--print(X, Height, Z, _)
print("LoadBedBlock ","Height:",Height," IsLaoded:",_)
BedBlock=World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z)
return BedBlock
Result: GetRandomHeight Height: nil IsLaoded: nil
PHP Code:
function GetRandomHeight(X,Z,World)
local _, Height
World:ChunkStay({{math.floor(X / 16), math.floor(Z / 16)}}, nil,
_, Height = World:TryGetHeight(X, Z)
--print(X, Height, Z, _)
print("GetRandomHeight ","Height:",Height," IsLaoded:",_)
return Height