Server crashes if I try to connect
Again. I did my best Wink

With the Cuberite_debug file it seems I get an other error, but Im not sure.

the file is attached.

Attached Files
.txt   crash.txt (Size: 59.33 KB / Downloads: 299)
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Thanks, now I see whats wrong. The world is nullptr and looking into the settings.ini from the zip file you have this lines:

You have twice the world standard here and this is wrong. Still the server should not crash Tongue  and this has to be fixed.

As a workaround now remove the line:
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Damn... my faultBig Grin

No I can connect without crash.
But it seems there still something to fix.

[15:40:00] WorldLoader(standard): Block entity mismatch: block type bedblock (26), type "minecraft:bed", at {204, 69, 264}; the entity will be lost.
[15:40:00] WorldLoader(standard): Block entity mismatch: block type bedblock (26), type "minecraft:bed", at {204, 69, 263}; the entity will be lost.
[15:40:00] WorldLoader(standard): Block entity mismatch: block type bedblock (26), type "minecraft:bed", at {203, 69, 264}; the entity will be lost.
[15:40:00] WorldLoader(standard): Block entity mismatch: block type bedblock (26), type "minecraft:bed", at {203, 69, 263}; the entity will be lost.
[15:40:01] Preparing spawn (standard): 22.50% (90/400; 35.36 chunks / sec)
[15:40:01] WorldLoader(standard): Block entity mismatch: block type enchantmenttable (116), type "minecraft:enchanting_table", at {223, 66, 269}; the entity will be lost.
And all "collected" animals are gone. There are some new runing around but I already catched some and put them in an enclousure. But now they are gone.

Is there anything what I can do to convert the playerstats from the Windows Minecraft Vanilla Java Server to this one ?

But on the first look it seems great. Big thanks from me you are doing really good work.
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Animals disappearing is new, I haven't heard about that so far. That would be worth an issue on GitHub.
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Here is a issue about disappearing sheeps:

Would it be useful to write a plugin that would track mobs / animals? Writing infos to a file that would contain when it disappeared and why
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Maybe it is only an error from the copy from the vanilla server to cuberite.

There are animals in the world and I think they wont disapear. But the animals I caught on the vanilla server were gone after the copy.

Maybe it would be useful to think about a script to convert the data between both systems.
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Found the cause. The id changes are the problem. For example we are looking for Sheep but the entities id has been changed to minecraft:sheep
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Ich think all ids changed.
Like the bed.

It is still there but invisible ^^
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So we need something like , but for Entities.
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I opened a issue for that
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