I'm currently porting Bukkit's iControlU plugin to Cuberite. This plugin allows a player to control another player's movement and inventory, and chat as the player.
The movement part of the plugin works just fine, but I'm having trouble with the inventory and chat. What I want to do is to send the inventory of the controller to the target whenever the inventories are different from each other, without causing a deadlock. The inventory is sent, but eventually (or sometimes immediately) the server stops responding. As for the chat, is there a way to chat as another player at the moment?
The movement part of the plugin works just fine, but I'm having trouble with the inventory and chat. What I want to do is to send the inventory of the controller to the target whenever the inventories are different from each other, without causing a deadlock. The inventory is sent, but eventually (or sometimes immediately) the server stops responding. As for the chat, is there a way to chat as another player at the moment?
g_PluginInfo = { Name = "iControlU", Version = "1", Date = "2017-07-12", SourceLocation = "https://github.com/mathiascode/iControlU", Description = [[Plugin for Cuberite that allows players to control other players.]], Commands = { ["/icu"] = { HelpString = "Control another player's movement", Permission = "icu.command", Subcommands = { control = { Alias = "c", Permission = "icu.control", Handler = HandleControlCommand, }, stop = { Alias = "s", Permission = "icu.stop", Handler = HandleStopCommand, }, }, }, }, Permissions = { ["icu.exempt"] = { Description = "Players with this permission cannot be controlled", RecommendedGroups = "everyone", }, }, }
ControllerFor = {} TargetFor = {} Inventory = {} GlobalTime = 0 function Initialize(Plugin) Plugin:SetName(g_PluginInfo.Name) Plugin:SetVersion(g_PluginInfo.Version) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_CHAT, OnChat) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_ENTITY_CHANGING_WORLD, OnEntityChangingWorld) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_EXECUTE_COMMAND, OnExecuteCommand) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_ANIMATION, OnPlayerAnimation) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_DESTROYED, OnPlayerDestroyed) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_LEFT_CLICK, OnPlayerLeftClick) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_MOVING, OnPlayerMoving) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_TOSSING_ITEM, OnPlayerTossingItem) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_TAKE_DAMAGE, OnTakeDamage) cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_WORLD_TICK, OnWorldTick) dofile(cPluginManager:GetPluginsPath() .. "/InfoReg.lua") RegisterPluginInfoCommands() LOG("Initialised " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion()) return true end --for i=0,40 do --local Item = Inventory[Controller:GetUUID()]:GetSlot(i) --Controller:GetInventory():SetSlot(i, Item) --end --Inventory[Controller:GetUUID()] = nil function HandleControlCommand(Split, Controller) if Split[3] == nil then Controller:SendMessageInfo("Usage: " .. Split[1] .. " " .. Split[2] .. " <player>") else local Control = function(Target) if Target == Controller then Controller:SendMessageFailure("You are already in control of yourself") elseif Target:HasPermission("icu.exempt") then Controller:SendMessageFailure("You can't control this player") else Controller:TeleportToEntity(Target) Inventory[Controller:GetUUID()] = Controller:GetInventory() for i=0,40 do Controller:GetInventory():SetSlot(i, Target:GetInventory():GetSlot(i)) end ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] = Controller TargetFor[Controller:GetUUID()] = Target Controller:SendMessageSuccess("You are now controlling \"" .. Target:GetName() .. "\"") end end if Split[3] == "" or not cRoot:Get():FindAndDoWithPlayer(Split[3], Control) then Controller:SendMessageFailure("Player \"" .. Split[3] .. "\" not found") return true end end return true end function HandleStopCommand(Split, Controller) local Target = TargetFor[Controller:GetUUID()] if Target then ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] = nil TargetFor[Controller:GetUUID()] = nil Controller:GetWorld():ScheduleTask(200, function() Controller:SetVisible(true) end ) Target:Unfreeze() Controller:SendMessageSuccess("You are no longer controlling \"" .. Target:GetName() .. "\". You are invisible for 10 seconds.") else Controller:SendMessageFailure("You are not controlling anyone at the moment") end return true end function OnChat(Target, Message) if ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] then Target:SendMessageInfo("You cannot chat while being controlled") return true end end function OnEntityChangingWorld(Controller, World) if Controller:IsPlayer() then local Target = TargetFor[Controller:GetUUID()] if Target then Target:MoveToWorld(Controller:GetWorld()) end end end function OnExecuteCommand(Target, CommandSplit, EntireCommand) if Target and ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] then Target:SendMessageInfo("You cannot run commands while being controlled") return true end end function OnPlayerAnimation(Controller, Animation) local Target = TargetFor[Controller:GetUUID()] if Target then Controller:GetClientHandle():SendEntityAnimation(Target, Animation) end end function OnPlayerDestroyed(Player) cRoot:Get():ForEachPlayer( function(OtherPlayer) if ControllerFor[Player:GetUUID()] == OtherPlayer then ControllerFor[Player:GetUUID()] = nil TargetFor[OtherPlayer:GetUUID()] = nil OtherPlayer:GetWorld():ScheduleTask(200, function() OtherPlayer:SetVisible(true) end ) OtherPlayer:SendMessageInfo("The player you were controlling has disconnected. You are invisible for 10 seconds.") end if TargetFor[Player:GetUUID()] == OtherPlayer then ControllerFor[OtherPlayer:GetUUID()] = nil TargetFor[Player:GetUUID()] = nil OtherPlayer:Unfreeze() end end ) end function OnPlayerLeftClick(Target, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, Action) if ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] then return true end end function OnPlayerMoving(Target, OldPosition, NewPosition) if ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] then return true end end function OnPlayerRightClick(Target, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ) if ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] then return true end end function OnPlayerTossingItem(Target) if ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] then return true end end function OnTakeDamage(Controller, TDI) if Controller:IsPlayer() then local Target = TargetFor[Controller:GetUUID()] if Target then Target:TakeDamage(TDI.DamageType, Controller, TDI.RawDamage, TDI.FinalDamage, TDI.Knockback) end end end function OnWorldTick(World, TimeDelta) cRoot:Get():ForEachPlayer( function(Target) local Controller = ControllerFor[Target:GetUUID()] if Controller then Target:TeleportToEntity(Controller) Target:SetSpeed(0,0,0) Target:Freeze(Target:GetPosition()) Target:SendRotation(Controller:GetYaw(), Controller:GetPitch()) Target:SetHeadYaw(Controller:GetHeadYaw()) Target:SetYaw(Controller:GetYaw()) Target:SetPitch(Controller:GetPitch()) Target:SetIsFireproof(Controller:IsFireproof()) Target:SetGameMode(Controller:GetGameMode()) Target:SetCrouch(Controller:IsCrouched()) Target:SetFlying(Controller:IsFlying()) Target:SetFoodLevel(Controller:GetFoodLevel()) Target:SetSprint(Controller:IsSprinting()) Controller:SetVisible(false) if GlobalTime == 20 then if Controller:GetInventory() ~= Target:GetInventory() then for i=0,40 do local Slot = Controller:GetInventory():GetSlot(i) Target:GetInventory():SetSlot(i, Slot) end end else GlobalTime = GlobalTime + 1 end end end ) end function OnDisable() cRoot:Get():ForEachPlayer( function(Controller) local Target = TargetFor[Controller:GetUUID()] if Target then Target:Unfreeze() Controller:SetVisible(true) Controller:SendMessageInfo("You are no longer controlling a player due to server reload") end end ) LOG("Disabled " .. cPluginManager:GetCurrentPlugin():GetName() .. "!") end