Broken "for" loops
I was making a plugin that had to run something ten times and came across what seems to be a bug:

    for i = 1, 10, 1 do
        Player:SendMessage("Pass " .. i)

This should return
Pass 1
Pass 2
Pass 3
Pass 4
Pass 5
Pass 6
Pass 7
Pass 8
Pass 9
Pass 10
in chat.
But instead, i get this error:
'=' expected near 'for'
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Could you post the code around the for loop?
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(02-19-2021, 06:47 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: Could you post the code around the for loop?

Warning: this code is a mess. Im planning on making a /fill command and it has to run setBlock for every block inside an area the player provides using a command. For testing, i made the area 10 blocks on the x axis. If that would have worked, I would have run x, increment z by one, x, increment z, and so on until it has to increment y and then loop again.
Here it goes but be warned: It may cause eye cancer because im really bad at lua (this is the second time i made something in lua)

PLUGIN = nil

function Initialize(Plugin)

    -- Hooks

    PLUGIN = Plugin -- NOTE: only needed if you want OnDisable() to use GetName() or something like that

    -- Command Bindings
    cPluginManager.BindCommand("/setblock", "vanillafill.setblock", setblock, " ~ Changes a block at X Y Z.");
    cPluginManager.BindCommand("/fill", "vanillafill.fill", fill, " ~ Fills an area from X Y Z to X2 Y2 Z2.");

    LOG("Initialised " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion())
    return true

function OnDisable()
    LOG(PLUGIN:GetName() .. " is shutting down...")

-- This segment is a bit of stripped-down code from the WorldEdit Plugin (

-- Returns the block type (and block meta) from a string. This can be something like "1", "1:0", "stone" and "stone:0".
-- If a string with a percentage sign is given it will take the second half of the string (With "40%1:0" it uses only "1:0")
function GetBlockTypeMeta(a_BlockString)
    g_DefaultMetas = {
    [E_BLOCK_CHEST]              = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST]        = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_FURNACE]            = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_LADDER]             = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_LIT_FURNACE]        = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_NETHER_PORTAL]      = 1,
    [E_BLOCK_TORCH]              = 1,
    [E_BLOCK_TRAPPED_CHEST]      = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_WALLSIGN]           = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_WALL_BANNER]        = 2

    if (a_BlockString:find("%%")) then
        local ItemInfo = StringSplit(a_BlockString, "%")
        if (#ItemInfo ~= 2) then
            return false

        a_BlockString = ItemInfo[2]

    local BlockID = tonumber(a_BlockString)

    -- Check if it was a normal number
    if (BlockID) then
        return BlockID, g_DefaultMetas[BlockID] or 0, true

    -- Check for block meta
    local HasMeta = string.find(a_BlockString, ":")

    -- Check if it was a name.
    local Item = cItem()
    if (not StringToItem(a_BlockString, Item)) then
        return false
        if (HasMeta or (Item.m_ItemDamage ~= 0)) then
            return Item.m_ItemType, Item.m_ItemDamage
            return Item.m_ItemType, g_DefaultMetas[Item.m_ItemType] or 0, true

function setblock(Split, Player)
    if (#Split ~= 5) then
        -- There was more or less than four arguments (excluding the "/" bit)
        -- Send the proper usage to the player and exit
        Player:SendMessage("Usage: /setblock X Y Z [blocktype]")
        return true

    outVector3 = Vector3i(tonumber(Split[2]), tonumber(Split[3]), tonumber(Split[4]))
    Player:SendMessage("Setting block " .. Split[2] .. " "  .. Split[3] .. " " .. Split[4] .. " to type " .. Split[5])
    local type, meta = GetBlockTypeMeta(Split[5])
    Player:GetWorld():SetBlock(outVector3, type, meta)

    return true

function fill(Split, Player)
    if (#Split ~= 8) then
        -- There was more or less than seven arguments (excluding the "/" bit)
        -- Send the proper usage to the player and exit
        Player:SendMessage("Usage: /fill X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 [blocktype]")
        return true
    offsetx = tonumber("0")
    x1 = tonumber(Split[2])
    y1 = tonumber(Split[3])
    z1 = tonumber(Split[4])
    x2 = tonumber(Split[5])
    y2 = tonumber(Split[6])
    z2 = tonumber(Split[7])
    countx = tonumber("0")
    county = tonumber("0")
    countz = tonumber("0")
    posx = tonumber("0")
    posy = tonumber("0")
    posz = tonumber("0")

-- Calculate the numbers for the couter:

    offsetx = offsetx(x1, x2, offsetx)
    countx = tonumber(offsetx(x1, x2, offsetx).replace("-", ""))

-- Doesnt work because of broken if statement???   

    for i=10,0,-1
--      Placeholder. Will put filling function in here later
        Player:SendMessage("offsetX=" .. offsetx)
--    for i=countx+county+countz,0,-1
--    do
--    end

--    setblockforplugins(Player, posx, posy, posz, Split[8])

    outVector3 = Vector3i(tonumber(Split[2]), tonumber(Split[3]), tonumber(Split[4]))
    Player:SendMessage("Setting block " .. Split[2] .. " "  .. Split[3] .. " " .. Split[4] .. " to type " .. Split[5])
    local type, meta = GetBlockTypeMeta(Split[5])
    Player:GetWorld():SetBlock(outVector3, type, meta)

    return true

function setblockforplugins(Player, Split)
    outVector3 = Vector3i(tonumber(Split[2]), tonumber(Split[3]), tonumber(Split[4]))
    Player:SendMessage("Setting block " .. Split[2] .. " "  .. Split[3] .. " " .. Split[4] .. " to type " .. Split[5])
    local type, meta = GetBlockTypeMeta(Split[5])
    Player:GetWorld():SetBlock(outVector3, type, meta)
    return true

-- Will use this later to find the vertical offset and size:

function countY(y1, y2)
    if tonumber(y1) < tonumber(y2) then
    for i=y1,y2,-1
       -- put function here
    for i=y1,y2,-1
       -- put function here
    return y1, y2

-- Make offset and size and find out which values are negative.

function offsetX(x1, x2, xoffset)
    if tonumber(x1) < 0 then
        if tonumber(x2) < 0 then
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=x1,x2,1
                    xoffset = xoffset - 1
        for i=x1,x2,-1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=tonumber(x1.replace("-", "")),x2,1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=x1,tonumber(x2.replace("-", "")),1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
    if tonumber(x1) > 0 then
        if tonumber(x2) < 0 then
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=x1,tonumber(x2.replace("-", "")),1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        for i=tonumber(x1.replace("-", "")),x2,1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=x2,x1,1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        for i=x1,x2,1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
    return xoffset
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If there is a more elegant way to fill an area from a plugin, please tell me. Would make my life way easyer here.
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The reason why the for loop doesn't work is because the statement above it is incorrect. You just have 'countx' which isn't a valid statement. Once you remove that or comment it out the for loop should work.
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(02-19-2021, 07:32 PM)mueller_minki Wrote: If there is a more elegant way to fill an area from a plugin, please tell me. Would make my life way easyer here.

What is the fill command supposed to do? Is it just take two sets of coordinates and fill it with the specified block?
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(02-19-2021, 07:32 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: The reason why the for loop doesn't work is because the statement above it  is incorrect. You just have 'countx' which isn't a valid statement. Once you remove that or comment it out the for loop should work.

Ok, changed my code:

PLUGIN = nil

function Initialize(Plugin)

    -- Hooks

    PLUGIN = Plugin -- NOTE: only needed if you want OnDisable() to use GetName() or something like that

    -- Command Bindings
    cPluginManager.BindCommand("/setblock", "vanillafill.setblock", setblock, " ~ Changes a block at X Y Z.");
    cPluginManager.BindCommand("/fill", "vanillafill.fill", fill, " ~ Fills an area from X Y Z to X2 Y2 Z2.");

    LOG("Initialised " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion())
    return true

function OnDisable()
    LOG(PLUGIN:GetName() .. " is shutting down...")

-- This segment is a bit of stripped-down code from the WorldEdit Plugin (

-- Returns the block type (and block meta) from a string. This can be something like "1", "1:0", "stone" and "stone:0".
-- If a string with a percentage sign is given it will take the second half of the string (With "40%1:0" it uses only "1:0")
function GetBlockTypeMeta(a_BlockString)
    g_DefaultMetas = {
    [E_BLOCK_CHEST]              = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_ENDER_CHEST]        = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_FURNACE]            = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_LADDER]             = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_LIT_FURNACE]        = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_NETHER_PORTAL]      = 1,
    [E_BLOCK_TORCH]              = 1,
    [E_BLOCK_TRAPPED_CHEST]      = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_WALLSIGN]           = 2,
    [E_BLOCK_WALL_BANNER]        = 2

    if (a_BlockString:find("%%")) then
        local ItemInfo = StringSplit(a_BlockString, "%")
        if (#ItemInfo ~= 2) then
            return false

        a_BlockString = ItemInfo[2]

    local BlockID = tonumber(a_BlockString)

    -- Check if it was a normal number
    if (BlockID) then
        return BlockID, g_DefaultMetas[BlockID] or 0, true

    -- Check for block meta
    local HasMeta = string.find(a_BlockString, ":")

    -- Check if it was a name.
    local Item = cItem()
    if (not StringToItem(a_BlockString, Item)) then
        return false
        if (HasMeta or (Item.m_ItemDamage ~= 0)) then
            return Item.m_ItemType, Item.m_ItemDamage
            return Item.m_ItemType, g_DefaultMetas[Item.m_ItemType] or 0, true

function setblock(Split, Player)
    if (#Split ~= 5) then
        -- There was more or less than four arguments (excluding the "/" bit)
        -- Send the proper usage to the player and exit
        Player:SendMessage("Usage: /setblock X Y Z [blocktype]")
        return true

    outVector3 = Vector3i(tonumber(Split[2]), tonumber(Split[3]), tonumber(Split[4]))
    Player:SendMessage("Setting block " .. Split[2] .. " "  .. Split[3] .. " " .. Split[4] .. " to type " .. Split[5])
    local type, meta = GetBlockTypeMeta(Split[5])
    Player:GetWorld():SetBlock(outVector3, type, meta)

    return true

function fill(Split, Player)
    if (#Split ~= 8) then
        -- There was more or less than seven arguments (excluding the "/" bit)
        -- Send the proper usage to the player and exit
        Player:SendMessage("Usage: /fill X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 [blocktype]")
        return true
    offsetx = tonumber("0")
    x1 = tonumber(Split[2])
    y1 = tonumber(Split[3])
    z1 = tonumber(Split[4])
    x2 = tonumber(Split[5])
    y2 = tonumber(Split[6])
    z2 = tonumber(Split[7])
    countx = tonumber("0")
    county = tonumber("0")
    countz = tonumber("0")
    posx = tonumber("0")
    posy = tonumber("0")
    posz = tonumber("0")

-- Calculate the numbers for the couter:

    offsetx = offsetx(x1, x2, offsetx)
    countx = tonumber(offsetx(x1, x2, offsetx).replace("-", ""))

-- Doesnt work because of broken if statement???   

    for i=10,0,-1
--      Placeholder. Will put filling function in here later
        Player:SendMessage("offsetX=" .. offsetx)
--    for i=countx+county+countz,0,-1
--    do
--    end

--    setblockforplugins(Player, posx, posy, posz, Split[8])

    outVector3 = Vector3i(tonumber(Split[2]), tonumber(Split[3]), tonumber(Split[4]))
    Player:SendMessage("Setting block " .. Split[2] .. " "  .. Split[3] .. " " .. Split[4] .. " to type " .. Split[5])
    local type, meta = GetBlockTypeMeta(Split[5])
    Player:GetWorld():SetBlock(outVector3, type, meta)

    return true

function setblockforplugins(Player, Split)
    outVector3 = Vector3i(tonumber(Split[2]), tonumber(Split[3]), tonumber(Split[4]))
    Player:SendMessage("Setting block " .. Split[2] .. " "  .. Split[3] .. " " .. Split[4] .. " to type " .. Split[5])
    local type, meta = GetBlockTypeMeta(Split[5])
    Player:GetWorld():SetBlock(outVector3, type, meta)
    return true

-- Will use this later to find the vertical offset and size:

function countY(y1, y2)
    if tonumber(y1) < tonumber(y2) then
    for i=y1,y2,-1
       -- put function here
    for i=y1,y2,-1
       -- put function here
    return y1, y2

-- Make offset and size and find out which values are negative.

function offsetX(x1, x2, xoffset)
    if tonumber(x1) < 0 then
        if tonumber(x2) < 0 then
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=x1,x2,1
                    xoffset = xoffset - 1
        for i=x1,x2,-1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=tonumber(x1.replace("-", "")),x2,1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=x1,tonumber(x2.replace("-", "")),1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
    if tonumber(x1) > 0 then
        if tonumber(x2) < 0 then
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=x1,tonumber(x2.replace("-", "")),1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        for i=tonumber(x1.replace("-", "")),x2,1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        if tonumber(x1) < tonumber(x2) then
        for i=x2,x1,1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
        for i=x1,x2,1
                    xoffset = xoffset + 1
    return xoffset

Now it at least loads. But I get this error now:
[10:41:40] LUA: Plugins/VanillaFill/main.lua:115: attempt to call global 'offsetx' (a number value)
[10:41:40] Stack trace:
[10:41:40]  Plugins/VanillaFill/main.lua(115): (no name)
[10:41:40] Stack trace end
[10:41:40] Error in <attached> calling function <callback>()
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That's because you're trying to use the variable 'offsetx' as a function. You probably want to use your 'offsetX' function with a capital X.
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(02-19-2021, 07:45 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: That's because you're trying to use the variable 'offsetx' as a function. You probably want to use your 'offsetX' function with a capital X.

You were right. It was a simple typo. Thank you so much.
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