here is the log..
[18:47:24] --- Started Log ---
[18:47:24] Cuberite AppVeyor (id: 2297)
[18:47:24] from commit 40b6758905eb7182b6a903c9b30ed5edeaaaf057 built at: 2021-03-05T18:43:40.0000000Z
[18:47:24] Creating new server instance...
[18:47:24] Reading server config...
[18:47:24] Starting server...
Info [18:47:24] Compatible clients: 1.8.x-1.12.x
Warn [18:47:24] WebServer: The server will run in unsecured HTTP mode.
Info [18:47:24] Put a valid HTTPS certificate in file 'webadmin/httpscert.crt' and its corresponding private key to 'webadmin/httpskey.pem' (without any password) to enable HTTPS support
[18:47:24] Loaded 789 crafting recipes
[18:47:24] Loaded 1.12.2 380 recipe book
Warn [18:47:24] Cannot open file "Protocol/1.13/", no recipe book recipes will be available!
Warn [18:47:24] Cannot open file "Protocol/1.14.4/", no recipe book recipes will be available!
[18:47:24] Loaded 67 furnace recipes and 66 fuels
[18:47:24] Loaded 49 brewing recipes
Warn [18:47:24] Invalid biome ("BambooJungle") specified in AllowedBiomes in cubeset file Prefabs\SinglePieceStructures\JungleTemple.cubeset. Skipping the biome.
Warn [18:47:24] Invalid biome ("BambooJungleHills") specified in AllowedBiomes in cubeset file Prefabs\SinglePieceStructures\JungleTemple.cubeset. Skipping the biome.
[18:47:24] -- Loading Plugins --
[18:47:24] Initialised Core
[18:47:24] Initialized ChatLog v.3
[18:47:24] -- Loaded 2 Plugins --
Warn [18:47:26] World "world_the_end": Did not find an acceptable spawnpoint. Generated a random spawnpoint position at {0.00, 0.00, 0.00}
Info [18:47:26] WebAdmin is running on port(s) 8080
[18:47:26] Startup complete, took 1498ms!
Err [18:49:08] Deadlock detected: world world_nether has been stuck at age 5993. Aborting the server.
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50e040770, World world chunkmap: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 1d81d64590ef506e
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50e792098, World world tasks: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 1bfa289f463cf8f4
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50f5f7770, World world_nether chunkmap: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 1d81d64590ef506e
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50fd49098, World world_nether tasks: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 77a3c6cc73a33415
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b510fbd770, World world_the_end chunkmap: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 1d81d64590ef506e
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b51170f098, World world_the_end tasks: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 5021b25bf6e6bc8f
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50ed198c8, cLuaState plugin APIDump: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 4d25767f9dce13f5
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50ed19e38, cLuaState plugin ChatLog: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 99f47351ea9ef7d1
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50bb7af08, cLuaState plugin Core: RecursionCount = 1, ThreadIDHash = 1d81d64590ef506e
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50fe70d38, cLuaState plugin Debuggers: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 4d25767f9dce13f5
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50fe707c8, cLuaState plugin DumpInfo: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 4d25767f9dce13f5
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50fe719e8, cLuaState plugin HookNotify: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 4d25767f9dce13f5
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50fe71f58, cLuaState plugin NetworkTest: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 4d25767f9dce13f5
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50fe70998, cLuaState plugin ProtectionAreas: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 4d25767f9dce13f5
[18:49:08] CS at 0x1b50fe71478, cLuaState plugin TestLuaRocks: RecursionCount = 0, ThreadIDHash = 4d25767f9dce13f5
Err [18:49:08] Failure report:

| Cuberite has encountered an error and needs to close
| SIGABRT: Server self-terminated due to an internal fault
| Cuberite AppVeyor (id: 2297)
| from commit 40b6758905eb7182b6a903c9b30ed5edeaaaf057