03-15-2012, 07:53 AM
For all of us who have a look under the hood of MC cave generator, we're one step closer 
The Anvil loader now has a piece of code that, when enabled, will invert terrain under the heightmap, turning air into stone and everything else into air. This makes caves perfectly visible. Uncomment line 261 (as of rev 415) to see for yourself.
Note: to make this work: you need an Anvil-formatted world, generated from the official client or server, in your world directory. Only the Anvil-loader has this effect.
Also note: the code is by default commented out, so that it doesn't leak into release versions by accident.

The Anvil loader now has a piece of code that, when enabled, will invert terrain under the heightmap, turning air into stone and everything else into air. This makes caves perfectly visible. Uncomment line 261 (as of rev 415) to see for yourself.
Note: to make this work: you need an Anvil-formatted world, generated from the official client or server, in your world directory. Only the Anvil-loader has this effect.
Also note: the code is by default commented out, so that it doesn't leak into release versions by accident.