Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
(07-27-2014, 07:00 PM)FakeTruth Wrote: Maybe you could even try to use the wiggly lines for terrain, if you can get it to generate 3d wiggly planesTongue

That would be an interesting heightmap.

There might be something wrong with the FluidSprings generator. I don't have a large stacktrace, so here is a small one:
StackTrace Wrote:> MCServer.exe!cProbabDistrib::MapValue(int a_OrigValue) Line 137 C++
MCServer.exe!cFinishGenFluidSprings::GenFinish(cChunkDesc & a_ChunkDesc) Line 746 C++
MCServer.exe!cComposableGenerator::DoGenerate(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDesc & a_ChunkDesc) Line 209 C++
MCServer.exe!cChunkGenerator::DoGenerate(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkY, int a_ChunkZ) Line 279 C++
MCServer.exe!cChunkGenerator::Execute() Line 264 C++
MCServer.exe!cIsThread::thrExecute(void * a_Param) Line 78 C++

Weird. I can't reproduce this in debug mode.
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RE: Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation - by NiLSPACE - 07-27-2014, 07:23 PM

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