Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
sounds awsomeBig Grin as always xD
but i just looked at and there is an new ore in 1.3: emerald ore
so if minecraft 1.3 comes out the ores need to be editted :S and emerald ore is 25% more rare then diamonds :S so it would be hard to find xD
maybe can you delete Hell, Sky, River and Frozen river until there is an end, Nether and rivers?
(05-26-2012, 12:38 AM)xoft Wrote: For the users, it means more freedom in what they want their world to look like. If they don't like trees, they can switch trees off, while keeping all the other features. If they want square biomes, so be it, they can get square biomes. If someone likes the desert, they can set the biomes to constant desert and that's what they get. Of course this will need some more time for the generators to mature, right now there are only generators usable for the classic terrain and for some debugging. I expect more to crop up soon, though.

is there a way to have none square biomes?? :O i thougd it was the only optionTongue
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Check out the documentation in the wiki, I've just spent half a day writing it Smile

Right now the only biome generators available are Constant and CheckerBoard. I think I'll write up a fast Voronoi biome implementation, just for the laughs Smile

What do you mean, "delete biomes"?
Wow, this is a nice article:
Unfortunately for us, we can't get much inspiration, since we need our biomes capable of generating at any point, not in a constrained region.
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if you can delete the Hell, Sky, River and Frozen river. so that those biome wont be generated. becouse an hell/sky biome in normal world???Tongue and an river biome while there is no river...Tongue
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You mean "delete" as in the checkerboard biome generator not generating them? That could be done. We might want to make it altogether settable in the world.ini, which biomes it generates.
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that sounds greatBig Grin
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Done in Rev 507. Also you can now use biome names in the configuration.
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cool thanksBig Grin
what must i write in the world.ini? :S
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It's all in the wiki documentation now:

I'll try to keep it up to date when I add new features.
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ok thanks but how to configurate the CheckerBoard?
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I thought the wiki was written well enough to give you the idea. If that's not the case, then it surely needs to be re-written. But I don't know how...

To use the CheckerBoard biome generator, you need to set it as active in your world.ini and you want to set its paarmeters, too. For example:

Or even better, grab Rev 512, it has Voronoi biomes, which are a bit better than checkerboard biomes Smile
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