Random Chitchat 2012-2016
I already have like 3 different linuxes in virtualbox, and one running on physical hardware (RasPi), so there's no shortage of machines, it's just sometimes complicated to do stuff I want to do Smile
The advantage of having it in virtualbox is that I can "share" the same source folder onto the linux, so then I can edit the sources in Visual studio, which is a far more superior IDE, and then compile in linux.

On another note, it seems I have managed to further optimize the DistortedHeightmap generator, I have committed it as rev 1486. It has reached the speeds of Biomal, so it should be quite usable; unfortunately I also had to slightly modify it, so now it generates a bit different terrain, so if you have a world already generated in DistHei, you'll see a change between the two versions on chunk borders.
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I'm stumped. For some reason the Virtualboxed CentOS is capable of relaying ssh through the NAT, but when I set up MCS to bridge in the same way, it wouldn't connect. Wtf?

Duh, stupid me, CentOS has a default firewall in the base install, needed to open the port there.

Still, I'm sorry to report, I have pickups working perfectly on a CentOS system.
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(05-12-2013, 05:50 AM)FakeTruth Wrote: I'll let the people in the "MCServer Developer" group also enjoy this plugin
[Image: 816r6up.png]
Not sure if you can see this option... (It's the goodbye spammer thing)

So once again, how do I use it? 'Cause I cannot find this thing at all. Or am I not a developer? Wink
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You are a developer but perhaps you need to find a person with less than 10 posts?

Can you use it on this person? https://forum.cuberite.org/member.php?ac...e&uid=1432
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I don't know where to look. There's nothing in the User profile that you linked:
[Image: forum_info.png]

I wanted to use it on neplayRap, who has put the most recent spam here, but to no avail.
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Now I started using spigot again, and it's running fine, better than MCServer in survival. The only bad is the memory use.
I hope make a good creative MCServer server in my vps, and maybe some day, a survival server.
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Hey try using MCPC-Plus with TickThreading.
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(05-19-2013, 04:58 AM)ThuGie Wrote: Hey try using MCPC-Plus with TickThreading.
What does it do? Does it save RAM?
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For me it does google is your friend btw.
I'm running FTB so a lot of plugins on a 1,99ghz server with 1,24gb ram.
With a easy of 3 people could be more around 30-50% cpu unless new chunks are being loaded and 600-700mb ram.
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I just found out that sand falling inside of water will make MCServer use up all the CPU. And the client is jerky. MCServer seems to keep creating and destroying the falling block entity. Investigating now.
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