Random Chitchat 2012-2016
I think it's a ripoff system anyway... Committers get 1percent of deposited coins, which means they keep 99pct. So for each project they will always keep the biggest part of the coins :/
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(11-14-2013, 06:33 PM)xoft Wrote: It seems that the loop is not working - the BTC is gone from me, but it's not been added to the project. What a black hole! >=[

How strange. There's a forum post on the bitcoin forums where you could complain I think.

Here it is.
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I'm trying to make other wolves attack players when a wolf is attacked by a player, but I need to convert an cEntity to an cMonster in order to use GetMobType(). This is the code I use:
class cCallback :
	public cEntityCallback
	virtual bool Item(cEntity * a_Entity) override
		if (a_Entity->IsMob())
			if (a_Entity->GetMobType() == cMonster::mtWolf)
				double Distance = (a_Entity->GetPosition() - ThisWolfPos).Length();
				if (Distance < 20)
		return false;
	Vector3f ThisWolfPos = GetPosition();
} Callback; Callback;
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Try something like:

((const cMonster &)a_Entity).GetMobType()
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
You missed a * in there, it's a pointer.
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Y think you can check mob type directly in cEntity. Use Entity:GetClass(). It returns cPickup and entity tipe but if its a mob it returns cWolf, cCreeper...
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(11-15-2013, 05:46 AM)bearbin Wrote: How strange. There's a forum post on the bitcoin forums where you could complain I think.
Here it is.
I tried registering there, but it didn't work - it said my password is too short and when I tried again, it said I'm already registered, but the login didn't work and registering for a different account said I need to wait 45 minutes. Not gonna bother anymore.

(11-15-2013, 04:10 PM)tonibm19 Wrote: Y think you can check mob type directly in cEntity. Use Entity:GetClass(). It returns cPickup and entity tipe but if its a mob it returns cWolf, cCreeper...
Not good - that's comparing strings, which is order of magnitude slower than comparing enums, even with the double step.

Probably the best code to check if an entity is a specific mob type currently is (if a_Entity is a cEntity *):
if (a_Entity->IsMob() && (((cMonster *)a_Entity)->GetMonsterType() == cMonster::mtWolf))

or if a_Entity is a const cEntity &, then:
if (a_Entity.IsMob() && (((const cMonster &)a_Entity).GetMonsterType() == cMonster::mtWolf))
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
That works, Wink Now I need to have a variable with the current wolfs coordinates and the Players cEntity object in the callback. Any idea how to do that?
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Don't wolves attack *all* players when they are aggravated? So just flipping their "IsAngry" flag should be enough.

I expect a code like this should work (written from the top of my head, may not compile):
function cWolf::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI)
  if (m_IsTame)
    // No aggravating for tame wolves
  if (a_TDI.DamageType != dtAttack)
    // Not attacked by a player, bail out
    // TODO: projectiles use dtRangedAttack with a projectile entity in the Attacker field, handle that too

  ASSERT(a_TDI.Attacker != NULL);
  class cCallback : public cEntityCallback
    Vector3f m_AttackerPos;

    cCallback(const Vector3f & a_AttackerPos) : m_AttackerPos(a_AttackerPos) {}

    virtual bool OnEntity(cEntity & a_Entity) override
      // AGGRAVATE_RANGE is the range in blocks in which the wolves become angry; define that constant at the top of Wolf.cpp as static const double
      if (a_Entity.IsMob() && (((cMonster &)a_Entity).GetMobType() == mtWolf) && ((a_Entity.GetPos() - m_AttackerPos).SqrLength() < AGGRAVATE_RANGE * AGGRAVATE_RANGE))
        ((cWolf &)a_Entity).SetAngry(true);
      return false;
  } Callback(a_TDI.Attacker.GetPos());
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A little deviantion from redstone again: I need halp too, this time on saving mobsBig Grin

// This code crashes:

void cWSSAnvil::LoadSlimeFromNBT(cEntityList & a_Entities, const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx)
	int SizeIdx = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "Size");

	if (SizeIdx < 0) { return; }

	int Size = a_NBT.GetInt(SizeIdx);

	cMonster * Monster = NULL;
	Monster = new cSlime(Size);
	if (!LoadEntityBaseFromNBT(((cEntity &)Monster), a_NBT, a_TagIdx))


// This code does too (with a deadlock):

void cWSSAnvil::LoadSkeletonFromNBT(cEntityList & a_Entities, const cParsedNBT & a_NBT, int a_TagIdx)
	int TypeIdx = a_NBT.FindChildByName(a_TagIdx, "SkeletonType");

	if (TypeIdx < 0) { return; }

	bool Type = ((a_NBT.GetByte(TypeIdx) == 1) ? true : false);

	std::auto_ptr<cSkeleton> Monster(new cSkeleton(Type));
	if (!LoadEntityBaseFromNBT(*Monster.get(), a_NBT, a_TagIdx))


What exactly should I do here to make mobs spawn?
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