Random Chitchat 2012-2016
All the experience here has paid offTongue
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Absolutely Wink
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Turns out I wont have C# next year.. because we have it next semester Smile
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WTF? what is microsoft planning? Huh
I'm starting to thing they'll put spyware on the free W10 xD
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The spyware is already there, there are so many programs that "E.T. phone home"...
Thanks given by: tonibm19 , Seadragon91 , sphinxc0re
I have merged the networking C++ API branch. If you're building from source, you need to update your git submudules:
git submodule update --init
CMake will give you a proper error message about libevent otherwise Smile
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The cServer conversion to the new cNetwork API is hindered by the terrible object ownership definitions that are currently in place. It needs to be changed because the network API expects shared pointers to stuff, but it's so difficult to change!
The server creates the ClientHandles, and owns them. But only until they join a world, then their ownership gets transfered to the world. When they teleport to another world, their ownership is first transferred back to cServer and then to the destination world.
The Player is owned by the ClientHandle, but still needs to access the ClientHandle by its SharedPtr, so it needs to store the SharedPtr to ClientHandle, but must give it up before the ClientHandle is destroyed, otherwise the ClientHandle's destructor doesn't get called. Mess mess mess.
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It sounds like you need some non-owning pointers. cPlayer should probably store a std::weak_ptr<> to ClientHandle.
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WECUI is available for 1.8, hurray!!!

I might finally upgrade the Gallery server to support 1.8.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
So I had a dinner with my Ice Queen of a wife. We haven't seen each other for a month, I've been living in a hostel in the meantime. I thought, maybe, after a month, she has found out that there are still some feelings for me left inside her, that we might actually work towards some kind of a get-back-together - I know I did, I miss her terribly. Well, I've been wrong. She still sees all of it as mostly my fault, and although I've apologized like a hundred times and already proved several times that I can improve, she made practically no effort at even identifying the problems with herself that caused all this in the first place. It turned out into an "I told you to pack your things and go, you did but you didn't pack all of your things, I want you to get out of my life completely. But then, I don't want you to hate me, I still want to be friends". WTF?

So I guess tomorrow I'll start looking for a house to buy.
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