Random Chitchat 2012-2016
I've noticed that there are quite a lot of places where hooks should be called, but they aren't. We need to be more careful about that.
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Why are our external libraries as forks rather than easily updated submodules? I remember there was something about polarssl/mbed TLS, but surely with all the fixes some libraries are pushing (especially with sensitive crypto libraries), it would make more sense?
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They're forks so that we can apply patches before they get accepted upstream. Some examples of this would be mbedtls (formally known as polarSSL) PRs #96 and #161
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Oops, the ChunkWorx plugin now triggers a lot of asserts when generating new chunks.
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I've finally implemented the Restrictions. This makes it much easier to set up permissions. Say, for example, that you want to give the user permissions of the Gallery plugin to the Default rank, but the admin permissions only to the Owner rank. Previously you'd have to list each user permission for the Gallery plugin separately. Now you can have the Default rank have "gallery.*" permission and "gallery.admin.*" restriction, and it works as expected Smile
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Nice!Big Grin It will also be really usefull for WorldEdit on the Gallery server.
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Look what someone created: http://gfycat.com/GloomyHopefulAltiplanochinchillamouse It looks awesome ;D
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I've been playing with the WebAdmin, Gallery and MCSchematicToPng. What a combination! Smile
[Image: gallery_weblist.png]
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
Okay, that looks absolutely amazing ;O Is it also possible to click on a picture to get a larger version?
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Not yet, although that could be a nice feature, I'll add it to the backlog. So far I'm glad it barely works. Because of synchronous requests I'm forced to push the schematic-to-png conversion into a background process with absolutely no way of checking whether it finished or not, so the first time you view the page, you get empty images, and on a refresh some of them appear, etc. It was also a PITA to get working without deadlocks, I'm juggling the tasks across thread like crazy Smile

What I need to do absolutely first is proper cropping. So far only the approved areas are nicely cropped, the unapproved ones are exported whole 20x256x20 blocks, which makes the thumbnail needlessly large and empty. So I need the Gallery plugin to record the minimum and maximum change in each coord, either while the players edit the areas, or somehow manage to do it while exporting.
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