Random Chitchat 2012-2016
MSVC2008 is still supported (as is even MSVC2005) , but not officially released, so I have to compile from source. Also, I want static linking of the libraries, with statically-linked runtime libs, so again, own compilation. And it's difficult to actually configure the thing, there's not enough info on what individual configuration options do, and some don't work (I don't need OpenGL support, but when I disable it, it still wants to compile ANGLE support that needs OpenGL, so I have to modify the makefiles).

Anyway, it seems I have finally succeeded and I managed to compile Minutor for WinXP Smile
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(12-15-2013, 06:57 PM)xoft Wrote: I've been spending some time trying to compile Qt from source, because they no longer distribute the MSVC2008 binary package. It's been 5 days already and still it doesn't work Sad

I managed to compile it for 32-bit VS2012 OpenGL. That version is not officially distributed..

I suppose it works the same for VS2008...
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well, my config line was a bit longer:
configure -prefix c:\qt -debug-and-release -force-debug-info -opensource -static -ltcg -nomake examples -no-opengl -platform win32-msvc2008 -largefile -qt-zlib -no-icu -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -no-angle -no-openssl -no-dbus -no-style-windowsxp -no-style-windowsvista -no-style-fusion -mp -make-tool jom
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That's quite a lot of flags you got there
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FakeTruth, make an Android build pleeease?
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FakeTruth, teach Bearbin's buildserver to make automatic Android builds pleeeaaase? Smile
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I don't know how to build from commandline T_T
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GitHub says I've reached 100 continuous days of contributing, yay Smile
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(12-16-2013, 05:12 AM)FakeTruth Wrote: I don't know how to build from commandline T_T

Don't worry, I don't either (except make release=1, that's about it). Do an Eclipse build, at least, and I suppose post it on the main server website?
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How to use cLineBlockTracer in cpp? I'm currently working on boats and I noticed that you can only spawn boats by looking at a block not at water. I'm currently using
class cLineBlockTracer :
	public cBlockTracer::cCallbacks
	Vector3d Pos;
	virtual bool OnNextBlock(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) override
		if (a_BlockType != E_BLOCK_AIR)
			Pos = Vector3d(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ);
			return true;
		return false
} Callbacks;
but I get these errors:
1>g:\mcserver\nieuwste versie\trunk\src\items\ItemBoat.h(44) : error C3668: 'cItemBoatHandler::OnItemUse::cLineBlockTracer::OnNextBlock' : method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods
1>g:\mcserver\nieuwste versie\trunk\src\items\ItemBoat.h(49) : error C2259: 'cItemBoatHandler::OnItemUse::cLineBlockTracer' : cannot instantiate abstract class
1>        due to following members:
1>        'bool cBlockTracer::cCallbacks::OnNextBlock(int,int,int,BLOCKTYPE,NIBBLETYPE,char)' : is abstract
1>        g:\mcserver\nieuwste versie\trunk\src\BlockTracer.h(34) : see declaration of 'cBlockTracer::cCallbacks::OnNextBlock'

Wait I think I got it.

Yes I got it. The example in World.cpp was a little outdated.
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