Random Chitchat 2012-2016
We're moving in the right direction. I like the growth in the percentage of comments in the source code, from mere 7 % in October 2011, to more than 14 % today. We're still ranked as "low number of comments", but at least we're not "very low" anymore and, more importantly, our comments make actual sense, unlike in other software where they have comments stretch empty lines without any real value in them.
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How are the comments in Eset?
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I'm not allowed to sayTongue
Thanks given by: tigerw
I increased the Maximum Size for jpg, jpeg and png files on the forum. The jpg/jpeg because I wasn't able to upload my sketch for the "Permission UI design", and the .png file because I wasn't able to upload screenshots I made in Minecraft directly without converting them to a different format first.
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Is that wise? We don't want people spamming this forum with ultra-hi-res heavy pictures, after all. Some people visit the forum from their cellphones.
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[Image: h51373335]
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That's true.. The max is now 2 MB. Shall I change it to 1 MB? It previous was 500 kb. My Minecraft screenshots are usualy around 600 kb.
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(08-09-2014, 07:05 AM)tigerw Wrote: {img}

Set it to 1 MiB.
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I have to say, I'm pretty proud of https://github.com/mc-server/MCServer/co...5ab28b28eb
This allows us to pull (almost) any number of consecutive values off of Lua stack, each value of an independent type. And it's auto-generated code! Smile
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I have a hard time figuring out what it does Wink Simply because I don't know what a "Lua stack" is. Wink
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