Random Chitchat 2012-2016
8 MiB of RAM is painfully not enough. Just the lighting thread takes up some 16 MiB, if I remember correctly.
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How about this then: http://spritesmods.com/?art=hddhack

Yes that's a hard drive. 64 MB RAM, 3 core processor including one Cortex-M3.
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The problem is networking. You can't just plug an ethernet cable into it.
So, You could probably get it to run, but noone will be able to use it.
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However, with a USB chassis, you could use the RAVPower thing to forward requests to the drive.

Or something that could definitely run the server (roughly the same power as a pi): https://www.crowdsupply.com/inverse-path/usb-armory . Imagine a USB stick running a minecraft server.
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Good thing I have a spare hard drive laying around. I should try that sometime. Smile
I also found relatively cheap computing power here:


And I was messing around with the RAVPower Filehub and got root access to it using telnet and changed its MAC address. I used this to get access to the wifi network at school and broadcast an unlocked signal to everyone else. The tech department will never know...
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I still think the router is betterTongue.

Imagine: your internet is running, your server is on.Big Grin
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Portabalize the router, bring to WLAN party, profit. Big Grin
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Not only that, but on the router, the server is automatically accessible from the outside, without any NAT setup.
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Oh yeah, true. I wish that would help me in my situation but it can't. Sad I have a bunch of hosting hardware here but can't use it. I think my ISP double-routered my connection and blocked incoming ports.
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What I'm doing, is being amazed by how much activity this forum suddenly has!Big Grin
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