Web Plugin <-> plugin AND plugin <-> plugin relationship
Quote:Can you give me some example of what you're trying to do?
For example, I could make some base "money" plugin, which just hold information about how much money each player have, and then I make a plugin that uses that "money" plugin, for example, to make a private area (or any kind of payments).

Another example: spells. Or you can call them "effects".
You have a common "container" plugin, which helds info about all effects available (and players permissions to use them), you write a function in a separate plugin, which make some "effect" (for example, builds a wall), you ask "container" to execute some effect function in another plugin (think about Runecraft + MagicSpells functionality, sharing same "effects" base)

Such functionality will allow less "solid" plugin writing - features could overlap without being re-written.

But it's not #1 priority for me, however Smile
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RE: Web Plugin <-> plugin AND plugin <-> plugin relationship - by Taugeshtu - 05-31-2012, 06:29 AM

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