Raspberry Pi: SlotArea: Unhandled click action: 26 (caDblClick)
Hi together,
I am a MCServer beginner and plan to setup a working an more or less fast MC Server at my Raspberry Pi (fast enough for 2-3 players).

During my 1st test game I encountered the follwowing error each time when I try to use a doulbe click to collect all items from a crafting field.

SlotArea: Unhandled click action: 26 (caDblClick)

# how to reproduce the error situation:
- use a Raspberry PI Model B rev.2 with debian (raspian)
- clone source from GIT: https://github.com/mc-server/MCServer.git
(- the core and transapi plugin was not clonable but I was able to load it afterwards -> a permission error or something like that)
- compile via make release=1
- start the MCServer via ./MCServer
- login with a MC Client 1.6.4
- craft a crafting table and place it
- put some stones in to the empty fields (f.e. 4 stoneblocks in 4 fields)
- double click at one of the stones to fast collect all of them
-> its flickering and after that nothing happened
-> the server writes the error line: SlotArea: Unhandled click action: 26 (caDblClick)

Is that a bug (known bug)?

If you need more info, I will try my best to provide it.

Thx in advance for your help.
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The issue is self explanatory. Basically it means that the double click action is not implemented yet. You should probably open it as a enhancement on github.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE , Sofapriester
Yeah, please note that MCServer is a long way from implementing everything that is in Vanilla. We're getting there steadily though!
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Thank you for the very fast reply.

I've added it to github:
Missing double click function for fast collecting items

-> so that thread is well done Smile
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