Obligatory "I ruined everything!" thread
Rev 629: Removed the deprecated cWorld:GetBlockEntity() function that didn't work anyway, added new enumerators instead:
cWorld:ForEachChestInChunk(ChunkX, ChunkZ, Callback)
- Calls the callback for each chest found in the chunk. Returns true if all chests enumerated, false if the callback returned true to abort enumeration

cWorld:ForEachFurnaceInChunk(ChunkX, ChunkZ, Callback)
- Calls the callback for each furnace found in the chunk. Returns true if all chests enumerated, false if the callback returned true to abort enumeration

cWorld:DoWithChestAt(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Callback)
- If there is a chest at the specified coords, calls the Callback with the chest entity as the parameter and returns true. Returns false otherwise.

cWorld:DoWithFurnaceAt(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Callback)
- If there is a furnace at the specified coords, calls the Callback with the furnace entity as the parameter and returns true. Returns false otherwise.

cWorld:GetSignLines(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ)
- If there is a sign at the specified coords, returns true and the four lines (as a 5-tuplet return value); returns false if no such sign.
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RE: Obligatory "I ruined everything!" thread - by xoft - 06-18-2012, 06:03 AM

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