HOWTO: Inter-plugin communication
Yes, on its own it's not slow, but it causes lock convoys - each such call must lock an additional plugin's critical section. If the plugin is busy, with lots of hooks, this will become costly.
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Is the cPlugin::Call function able to parse functions as parameter?
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No, it cannot, mainly because functions in Lua are really closures - they take with them the local values of their containing functions and are able to modify those; this cannot be safely ported to another Lua state structure. Consider the following example:
function FnOuter(ParamOuter)
  local VarOuter = 10;
  local FnInner = function(ParamInner)
    local VarInner = VarOuter + 1;  -- It can read FnOuter's local variables
    VarOuter = VarOuter * 3;  -- It can modify them
    local VarInner2 = ParamOuter + 1;  -- It can even read FnOuter's parameters
  SomeOtherFunction(FnInner);  -- Perfeclt valid Lua code, SomeOtherFunction() can call FnInner however it wants
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
(11-25-2013, 12:29 AM)STR_Warrior Wrote: Is the cPlugin::Call function able to parse functions as parameter?

No, you can however pass a function name and a plugin instance, so the other plugin can call the function on your plugin.
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(11-25-2013, 04:44 AM)FakeTruth Wrote: No, you can however pass a function name and a plugin instance, so the other plugin can call the function on your plugin.

Yea I know but I hoped you could use a local function as parameter.
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I just realized that you can parse a function as a string and then use the loadstring() function to execute it. for example:
--Plugin 1
local Callback = [[
	return type(500)
Plugin:Call("Example", Callback)

--Plugin 2
function Example(Callback)
	local Function = loadstring(Callback)
	if Function then --If the string is loaded correctly then execute it. Otherwise it's a nil value.
		Test = Function()
now Test should be equal to 'number'.

Hmm wait now i'm suddenly unsure if it works..
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That might work but is pretty much useless. Such a function won't have the upvalues, so it won't see neither the first plugin's globals nor the locals. Consider this example:
-- Plugin 1:
function CallMe() ... end
g_UseMe = 1;
local SomeVar = 2;

local Callback = [[
  g_UseMe = 2;
  SomeVar = 3;
Plugin2:Call("Executor", Callback);
-- The call has failed inside Plugin2, but that doesn't propagate here
-- However, g_UseMe is still 1, SomeVar is still 2 and CallMe() hasn't been called.

-- Plugin 2:
function Executor(Callback)
  local Function = loadstring(Callback);
  Function();  -- will set Plugin2's globals g_UseMe to 2 and SomeVar to 3 and then fail with message "CallMe not defined"

I'm not sure now whether Plugin2 will fail on the actual execution, or if the loadstring() will already complain about the undefined function. But the end result is the same - the callback just cannot access Plugin1's data in any way.
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Yea I posted it and then suddenly I was like: "Wait... It's nog going to work isn't it..."
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