How many stars do you have?
On the members list there is only 7 people who have 3 stars or more, 4 of witch are general members, 2 are MC Server developers, and the other 2 ore moderators. just interesting on seeing how many people there are and who participates in the community.
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I still haven't found out what exactly those stars represent (and why i have so manyTongue )
Thanks given by: Francisdaumb , MichaelClori
It's a secretBig Grin
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It's quite easy: stars=MAX(7,INT(#posts/20))
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I don't think that's entirely true. I've had many stars since forever, I couldn't have had that many posts at that time.
And for example ThuGie has now 81 posts, but only 3 stars.
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yes indeed
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There might be some corner cases the formula doesn't take into consideration but so far all posters in this thread fulfill the formulaBig Grin
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(03-15-2012, 04:24 PM)tbar Wrote: There might be some corner cases the formula doesn't take into consideration but so far all posters in this thread fulfill the formulaBig Grin

i accually never thought about it that way, all the forums ive made its reach this many posts and/or rep and you get this title and these stars lol
Thanks given by: Francesom
There's not a formula actually, just requirements for each star. I use my Awesome Admin Powers (AAP) ® to cheat in some stars for special ranks/titles
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