Server commander
Is it possible to create a plugin, that can execute servercommands?Huh I don't mean minecraft commands, I mean commands for the system, like Linux and Windows.Exclamation In C++ the function is system().
I'm sorry if I failed to see a plugin that already exists,Angel

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Yes, that should be very easy to create. Smile In fact, I just did it in under 5 minutes:

function Initialize(a_Plugin)
	a_Plugin:SetName("Shell Execute")
	LOG("Shell Execute is initialized");
	cPluginManager:BindCommand("/shell", "shell.execute", HandleShellCommand, "Executes the given shell command")
	return true

function HandleShellCommand(a_Split, a_Player)
	local ShellCommand = table.concat(a_Split, " ", 2)
	local res = assert(io.popen(ShellCommand)):read("*all")

	return true

Just pop that in "root/Plugins/ShellExecute/main.lua" or something and enable it Smile
I believe io.popen had some problems with Linux though.
Thanks given by: JuliB
(12-21-2015, 08:39 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: I believe io.popen had some problems with Linux though.

Thank you for the fast answer, but like you write, it crashes a little bit in Linux... Blush Can I do anything to make it working?

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Could you give me the error message?
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(12-21-2015, 08:55 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: Could you give me the error message?

[12:00:40] Deadlock detected, aborting the server
[12:00:40] D: | Cuberite has encountered an error and needs to close
[12:00:40] Details | SIGABRT: Server self-terminated due to an internal fault
[12:00:40] Cuberite Jenkins clang x64 Release (master) build id: #320
[12:00:40] from commit id: a99c82323e310c883876a51f8fac3e075d87540d built at: Fri 18 Dec 17:08:04 CET 2015

It happends some seconds after I execute this command as Admin in the game.
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I knew io.popen is sometimes weird on Linux, but I didn't know it would create a deadlock :/ The command you're trying to execute, does it terminate quickly afterwards, or will it always be active? If it's always active perhaps try to put a "&" after it. (<whatever command> &). In windows try putting "start /b" in front (start /b <whatever command>)
Thanks given by: JuliB
(12-21-2015, 09:11 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: I knew io.popen is sometimes weird on Linux, but I didn't know it would create a deadlock :/ The command you're trying to execute, does it terminate quickly afterwards, or will it always be active? If it's always active perhaps try to put a "&" after it. (<whatever command> &). In windows try putting "start /b" in front (start /b <whatever command>)

Thank you for the answer!Smile After I entered the command, I don't receive any reaction, until the server crashed with that error message.ConfusedThe & char doesn't change anything, but maybe it's possible to find an alternative.
Is it posssible to create a empty file with a specific name? I could create a backround process, that checks the avaibility (correct english word?) of the file and reacts then.Undecided
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Hmm, I'm not sure if that would work. Question, do you want the output of the command to be send to the player? If not then you can change "local res = assert(io.popen(ShellCommand)):read("*all")" into "os.execute(ShellCommand)" with "&" or "start /b"
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(12-21-2015, 09:23 PM)NiLSPACE Wrote: Hmm, I'm not sure if that would work. Question, do you want the output of the command to be send to the player? If not then you can change "local res = assert(io.popen(ShellCommand)):read("*all")" into "os.execute(ShellCommand)" with "&" or "start /b"

I don't need any output, so I changed the line, but the error doesn't dissapears Undecided
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That's strange. Perhaps others know what the problem is, because I have no idea Sad
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