Random Chitchat 2012-2016
Many years ago, I was so hyped up about one of the first ever quadcopters (X-UFO, http://www.silverlit-flyingclub.com/xufo-body.htm ) that I bought the thing and then it spent its time being broken most of the time, and everytime I happened to think about it, I cursed (mentally) and I decided never ever to buy such a toy again.

Few years later (ok, more than few. More like 15), I just couldn't resist, so a new toy is on its way to my home: http://www.banggood.com/Syma-X5C-X5C-1-E...54151.html

Wish me more luck this time Smile
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Haha, have fun Smile
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How was the roflcopter?
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Oh it will take about a month to arrive. Hopefully it'll be here before I go to the summer dance school, it'd make a great off-time relax activity.
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Just reporting this as it gets annoying for longer texts. On mobile (android|chrome) the quick reply input text box gets larger than the panel, making the buttons unclickable if the text is too long (I had to copy paste it in the real new reply page)
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As I often stated before, it is really difficult to find a proper responsive theme for MyBB. Most of the good ones are not free. @Mathias do you have any thoughts on this? We should definitel talk about this issue on the next monthly meeting
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It don't have to be a responsive theme, I like it the way it is, but just this item needs adjustments
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I actually think it's your browser that's being weird here. I tried increasing the height of the quick reply textarea, but the surrounding div's just grew with it. What browser are you using?
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(06-14-2016, 05:29 PM)SphinxC0re Wrote: As I often stated before, it is really difficult to find a proper responsive theme for MyBB. Most of the good ones are not free. @Mathias do you have any thoughts on this? We should definitel talk about this issue on the next monthly meeting

It's really hard to find a free responsive theme for MyBB nowadays. I've searched for one recently (for MyBB 1.8.7), and after trying lots of individual themes, they all sucked responsive.
Eventually I settled on just paying some money for a payed responsive one.

It might be best to create a responsive theme yourself. That is, if you're not willing to pay for a theme of course.
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(06-13-2016, 08:04 AM)Schwertspize Wrote: [...] On mobile (android|chrome) the quick reply input [...]

@NiLSPACE what a great reader you are! (no offense & no edit of that post)
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