Rail placement mechanics
Yesterday I was working with funmaker on rail placement mechanics.
We managed to recreate a lot of behaviors from vanilla.

I committed the code in revision 1065.
Please tell us what you think, and if you find any bugs please post it hereTongue
Thanks given by: Taugeshtu , NiLSPACE , xcb567
trying it now Smile i'm pretty curious if it is better than the plugin Revolucas wroteTongue
something to note:
it doesn't respond to the powered rails and detector rails
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Powered Rails and Detector Rails aren't completely implemented yet. We'll be working on it.
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Normal rail won't turn towards detector or powered rails:
[Image: Qyx0U.png]
Other than that, good job Smile
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So you beat me to it (again). I was looking forward to implementing rails. Still, with all the other stuff I'm doing, it would have taken another year Smile
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(11-26-2012, 02:36 AM)xcb567 Wrote: Normal rail won't turn towards detector or powered rails:
[Image: Qyx0U.png]
Other than that, good job Smile

thats what i saidTongue they are working on it.
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You may want to set rails as transparent (in BlockID.cpp), so that grass doesn't turn to dirt underneath it (or does that happen in vanilla, too? Haven't noticed.
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no it doesn't change to dirt in vanilla
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Well then, why don't you fix that? You have always wanted to help, now's your chance Smile This should be pathetically easy Wink
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here you go Smile

Attached Files
.txt   BlockID.cpp.patch.txt (Size: 572 bytes / Downloads: 300)
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