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Question about multi-worlds - Printable Version

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RE: Question about multi-worlds - worktycho - 11-22-2015

Yes, this is one of the bugs I'm working on. Unfortunately it involves a lot of work, due to complexities at the hart of the server.

RE: Question about multi-worlds - LogicParrot - 11-22-2015

Thanks for the info. I've updated the book accordingly.

RE: Question about multi-worlds - LogicParrot - 11-22-2015

How stable is it to have multiple worlds at the moment?

@DrMasik could you provide a link to your problematic plugin?

RE: Question about multi-worlds - DrMasik - 11-22-2015

(11-22-2015, 08:14 PM)Safwat Wrote: How stable is it to have multiple worlds at the moment?

@DrMasik could you provide a link to your problematic plugin?

10-20 minutes and i'm post the code.

(11-22-2015, 08:14 PM)Safwat Wrote: How stable is it to have multiple worlds at the moment?

@DrMasik could you provide a link to your problematic plugin?

Schema ( Player login -> Teleport to wrap world ->Teleport to selected world)
Move player to main world

function teleport_to_wrap_world(a_player)
    local func_name = "teleport_to_wrap_world()";

    -- Get spawn world
    local obj_world = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(g_spawn_world);

    -- Get free SIZO coordinates
    local SpawnX = 14;
    local SpawnZ = 4;

    -- Mark SIZO as beasy

    -- Calculate Y
    -- local ret1, SpawnY = obj_world:TryGetHeight(SpawnX, SpawnZ);

    -- Run function after chunks loaded
    local OnAllChunksAvailable = function()
      console_log(func_name .." -> chunks redy for player ID ".. a_player:GetUniqueID(), 1);

      -- Move to spawn world

      -- Calculate Y
      local ret1, SpawnY = obj_world:TryGetHeight(SpawnX, SpawnZ);

      if ret1 then
        console_log(func_name .." -> SpawnY detected", 1);
        console_log(func_name .." -> SpawnY NOT detected", 1);

      console_log(func_name .." -> SpawnY =".. SpawnY, 1);

      -- Move to SIZO
--      a_player:TeleportToCoords(SpawnX, SpawnY, SpawnZ);

      -- Set clear player inventory
      -- a_player:GetInventory():Clear();

      -- Set game mode for the plater
      -- a_player:SetGameMode(0);

    -- Prepare chunks for teleportation
    console_log(func_name .." -> prepare chunks", 1);
    obj_world:ChunkStay({{SpawnX/16, SpawnZ/16}}, OnChunkAvailable, OnAllChunksAvailable)

  return 0;

Next function called to teleport into some of worlds (survival1):
function teleport_to_survival1(a_player)

  local func_name = "teleport_to_survival1()";

  if not a_player then
    console_log(func_name .." -> a_player is nil", 2);
    return (-1);

  local world_name = "survival1";

  local obj_world = cRoot:Get():GetWorld(world_name);

  if not obj_world then
    console_log(func_name .." -> do not find world ".. world_name, 2);
    return (-1);

  -- Get player respawn point into current world
  local SpawnX = 1024;
  local SpawnZ = 1024;

  -- Get world default spawn points
  local WSpawnX = obj_world:GetSpawnX();
  local WSpawnZ = obj_world:GetSpawnZ();

  -- Save player ID
  local player_id = a_player:GetUniqueID();
  local player = g_players[player_id];

  -- Run function after chunks loaded
  local OnAllChunksAvailable = function()
    console_log(func_name .." -> chunks redy for player ID ".. a_player:GetUniqueID(), 1);

    local ret1, SpawnY = obj_world:TryGetHeight(SpawnX, SpawnZ);
    local ret2, WSpawnY = obj_world:TryGetHeight(WSpawnX, WSpawnZ);

    -- Move to spawn world

    -- Teleport to coordinates
    a_player:TeleportToCoords(SpawnX, SpawnY, SpawnZ);

    -- Load player inventory

    -- Load player experience

    -- Set game mode for the plater

  -- Prepare chunks for teleportation
  console_log(func_name .." -> prepare chunks", 1);
  obj_world:ChunkStay({{WSpawnX/16, WSpawnZ/16}, {SpawnX/16, SpawnZ/16}}, OnChunkAvailable, OnAllChunksAvailable)

  return 0;

More questions - LogicParrot - 11-24-2015

The book has basic multi-world documentation now. I'd like to improve it further. Here are several more questions.
  • How does Bungeecord work?
  • Do Bungeecord servers share inventory?
  • Currently the book warns of multiworld stability. Is there a real instability?

Quote:You'll have to create a plugin to do that. You can only tell what type of portal (nether, end) should go to what world.

In this post, Tonibm19 mentioned Essentials. So, can Essentials do that already?

Related plugin ftr:

@DrMasik Thanks for the code. I'll have a look when I learn the API.

RE: Question about multi-worlds - LogicParrot - 11-24-2015

Edited the last post and added more questions.

RE: Question about multi-worlds - DrMasik - 11-24-2015

(11-24-2015, 05:15 PM)Safwat Wrote: .

Do not confuse "Multi world" and "Multi server".
The "Multi server" - it is Bungeecord. It is multiply instances of running servers. Different IPs or/and ports.
The "Multi world" - it is one instance of the running server to provide multiply independent worlds.

(11-24-2015, 04:59 PM)Safwat Wrote: ..
  • ..
  • Do Bungeecord servers share inventory?

Bungeecord servers can not share inventory.

In my plugin player inventory saved for the world. Updated when player disconnected. Clean and load when player connect to the world. It is simple but block to transfer inventory from creative to survival Wink