Some semi-random thoughts on terrain generation
So are you going to create 50 GB world again and then let AnvilStats loose on it? Wink I have a 1 GB world here that will be about 2 GB when generation is finished, but the files seem to be messed up: Thats propably because AnvilStats doesn't have all the 1.7 biomes I think.
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I don't think the numbers are wrong, just some are too wide for the columns, so they are written in a shorter form, "1E+06" instead of "1000000". If you make all the columns wider, the numbers should become normal again.

I'm not planning on creating another 50 GiB world - I don't have the time nor the diskspace for that. I'll just use AMIDST for small-scale overviews and perhaps a smaller world for the per-biome block statistics.

AnvilStats doesn't have the biome names, but it counts the biomes nevertheless - you can find all the biomes by-number; the first 127 are in the top part of the file, and the 128 - 255 are in the bottom part of the file, below the stats that you normally watch. (This is due to Excel's limit of 256 columns, in the earlier Office versions)
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I used AnvilStats on my world. The world turned out to be 1.61 GB because I had to go to bed. ;( Here are the files in case you want them:

Attached Files
.xls   BiomeBlockTypes.xls (Size: 140.83 KB / Downloads: 233)
.xls   Biomes.xls (Size: 4.1 KB / Downloads: 259)
.xls   BlockTypes.xls (Size: 6.08 KB / Downloads: 269)
.xls   Spawners.xls (Size: 513 bytes / Downloads: 254)
.txt   Statistics.txt (Size: 418 bytes / Downloads: 238)
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Initial 1.7-like biome work screenshot Smile
[Image: biomes_twolevel.png]
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
That looks awesome Smile
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That's some abstract art man
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Not only that, but we also have hills inside their respective biomes now - there's desert hills *inside* desert, forest hills inside forest, etc.

[Image: biomes_twolevel2.png]

It's been pushed to master, so you can have a look yourself. Only in the BiomeVisualiser project at this moment, though.
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Mesa composition basics are in place:
[Image: mesa1.png]
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That looks awesome!
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Now I'm here, but still not satisfied with the layer coloring.
[Image: mesa2.jpg]
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