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Gti submodules update automatically, you just have to use the recursive option when you pull AFAIK - git pull -r as opposed to git pull.
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"pull -r" is the same as "pull --rebase", not recursive.

Oh, there is "--recurse-submodules".

Okay then, if you can get the submodules working and write up a guide on how to use this properly, do it.
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I'll try and get them working Smile

I've pushed up a branch with it, I'll write a guide about it.
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The guide is still missing. I'm expecting something along the lines of a howto: what to do when I want to commit to a plugin, what to do if i want to update the server but have local changes in the plugin, what to do when I want to pull server and plugin changes when I don't have any local modifications, and possibly troubleshooting.
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Ok, if you want to work on a plugin, all you need to do is go into the plugin directory, make your changes, commit and push. It's a git repo inside another. You don't need to care about updating the server if you have plugin mods, just pull without the recursive option. If you don't have any modifications, pull as normal.
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The submodules are having a problem. I cannot clone them, because on Windows I use the http:// access method, but submodules require git:// access method.
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Can you use ssh? If so, I'll change them to that, if not then I'll change them to HTTP.
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It is set to ssh right now. I guess I could set it up, though SSH key work has always scared me. This crypto stuff is just so... crypticalTongue
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Setting up ssh is probably sensible, but idk. It may be way harder on windows than linux.
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One thing I realy hate about github is that on mobiles the normal website loading speed is realy slow, and the mobile version is realy feature-less.
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