The program uses listfiles - instead of specifying the files to be converted and the conversion params on the commandline, you write them into a text file and give that file to the convertor.
converts files listed in listfile.txt using 8 threads
reads stdin as the listfile and converts using 4 threads (default)
Listfile is a simple text file that lists the .schematic files to be converted, and the properties for each export. If a line starts with non-whitespace, it is considered a filename to convert. If a line starts with a whitespace (tab, space etc) it is considered a property for the last file. Properties can specify different output filename, cropping, size of the isometric tile and (future) rotation.
This converts file1.schematic into three PNG files according to the properties specified, file2.schematic into a PNG file with the default properties, and three slices of file3.schematic into three separate PNG files.
I've added this to the usage section of the README file, hopefully it's understandable enough.
MCSchematicToPng -threads 8 listfile.txt
MCSchematicToPng --
Listfile is a simple text file that lists the .schematic files to be converted, and the properties for each export. If a line starts with non-whitespace, it is considered a filename to convert. If a line starts with a whitespace (tab, space etc) it is considered a property for the last file. Properties can specify different output filename, cropping, size of the isometric tile and (future) rotation.
outfile: large file1.png
horzsize: 16
vertsize: 20
outfile: medium file1.png
horzsize: 8
vertsize: 10
outfile: small file1.png
outfile: slice1.png
startx: 0
endx: 0
outfile: slice2.png
startx: 1
endx: 1
outfile: slice3.png
startx: 2
endx: 2
I've added this to the usage section of the README file, hopefully it's understandable enough.