BungeeButtons [BETA]
Button-based Bungeecord Teleportation! You can now teleport players to other servers without them using commands!


Begins the creation of a BungeeButton
Permission: bungeebutton.create.button
Parameters: {Name} {Server} {Permission}
After running this command, the first button you click that is not already a BungeeButton will become a BungeeButton that teleports the player to {server} (name must be exactly the same as in the bungee config) so long as they have {permission}!

Begins the deletion of a BungeeButton
Permission: bungeebutton.delete.button
Parameters: [Name]
If a name is specified, it will delete the BungeeButton with that name (as defined in the original use of /bungeebutton). This name can be found in buttons.ini. If you do not include a name, the next BungeeButton you click will be deleted. You will keep this "Ready To Delete" status until you delete a button, disconnect, or use /bungeebuttondel again.

Saves button configuration in memory to file. Ran automatically on unload of plugin and shutdown of server.
Permission: bungeebutton.save
Parameters: none

Loads button configuration from file. Ran automatically on load of plugin. THIS WILL DELETE ANY BUNGEEBUTTONS THAT WERE MADE BETWEEN THE LAST USE OF BUNGEEBUTTONSAVE AND NOW!!!
Permission: bungeebutton.load
Parameters: none

Things to note about this plugin: I've only been coding in Lua for a few days, so keep that in mind if you decide to look at the code.

It's BETA not because it's easily broken (I did a good hour of testing and found no problems), but because there are a lot more features I want to bring in, including but not limited to pressure plates and specific blocks/coordinates, as well as better messaging while in use (which I was going to do before posting this and then just plum forgot.)

BIG thanks to NilSPACE and xoft for helping me get the teleports working!

Direct Download
Thanks given by: DiamondToaster , DaPorkchop

Messages In This Thread
BungeeButtons [BETA] - by Zee1234 - 10-25-2015, 11:02 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by DiamondToaster - 10-25-2015, 12:53 PM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by Zee1234 - 10-25-2015, 01:59 PM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by DiamondToaster - 10-26-2015, 01:30 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by Zee1234 - 10-29-2015, 04:33 PM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by Schwertspize - 10-29-2015, 04:40 PM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by Zee1234 - 10-29-2015, 05:05 PM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by Schwertspize - 10-29-2015, 11:17 PM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by DaPorkchop - 11-30-2015, 01:35 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by NiLSPACE - 11-30-2015, 01:47 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by DaPorkchop - 12-01-2015, 02:24 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by NiLSPACE - 12-01-2015, 03:21 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by Zee1234 - 12-01-2015, 06:42 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by feardevilz - 10-02-2016, 12:52 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by DaPorkchop - 12-04-2015, 03:44 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by Zee1234 - 12-05-2015, 12:42 PM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by DaPorkchop - 12-05-2015, 07:09 AM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by DaPorkchop - 12-05-2015, 07:20 PM
RE: BungeeButtons [BETA] - by LukeM - 01-14-2018, 01:43 AM

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