First iteration: forgot to spread downwards.
Second iteration: Floody really is floody
The spreading works okay now, but drying up doesn't, because the block updates aren't propagated correctly, so drying up at one block doesn't trigger a re-calc at the neighboring blocks
The code has been commited as rev 963, you can play with it
It gets enabled by setting [Physics]:WaterSimulator to Floody in world.ini. [Physics]:LavaSimulator for lava.
Second iteration: Floody really is floody
The spreading works okay now, but drying up doesn't, because the block updates aren't propagated correctly, so drying up at one block doesn't trigger a re-calc at the neighboring blocks
The code has been commited as rev 963, you can play with it
It gets enabled by setting [Physics]:WaterSimulator to Floody in world.ini. [Physics]:LavaSimulator for lava.