Magic Carpet problems..
Im having this problem with the magic carpet, when ever my friends uses it (not when i use it) it will disappear after they have jumped 3 times on it so everytime they want to go up they will fall down, im the only one that can use it properly :/ i have tryed giving them the same permissions and me and stuff but it just wont work for them..
anyone got a fix?
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I'm sure you have noticed the 'rubber banding' effect in the vanilla Minecraft server. You used to get it a lot when standing on a fence.
The vanilla server checks whether the player has made a valid move, and if the move was invalid (player went through a block or something) the server would teleport the player back to the correct position.

MCServer does not have these checks (yet?), so if according to a player's client there are no blocks, they will fall and keep falling. Due to latency the magic carpet blocks may not appear immediately though the client needs it to prevent the player from falling. This *can* be fixed in the magic carpet plugin by checking if the player fell through the carpet and teleporting the player back to the correct location.

I do not have the time to fix this right now though Sad
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