Many Errors while starting Server
please, I NEED your help.
When Im trying to start the Server, it says, it could not open Plugins Folder, the Crafting.txt, the Furnance.txt, the Monsters.ini and the webadmin file Sad :
[08:17:29] --- Started Log ---
[08:17:29] Creating new server instance...
[08:17:29] Reading server config...
[08:17:29] Starting server...
[08:17:29] Compatible clients: 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.2, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.7, 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 1.6.4, 1.7.2, 1.7.4
[08:17:29] Compatible protocol versions 29, 39, 47, 49, 51, 60, 61, 73, 74, 77, 78, 4
[08:17:29] Client IPv4 IPv4: Port 25565 is open for connections
[08:17:29] Client IPv6 IPv6: Cannot create listening socket for port 25565: "97: Address family not supported by protocol"
[08:17:30] WebServer IPv4 IPv4: Port 8080 is open for connections
[08:17:30] Cannot open file "crafting.txt", no crafting recipes will be available!
[08:17:30] Could not open the furnace recipes file "furnace.txt"
[08:17:30] -- Loading Plugins --
[08:17:30] Error (2) opening directory "Plugins/"

[08:17:30] -- No Plugins Loaded --
[08:17:30] Initialize: Cannot read monsters.ini file, monster attributes not available
[08:17:30] World "world": Unknown mob type: slime
[08:17:30] [Physics] WaterSimulator not present or empty in world/world.ini, using the default of "Floody".
[08:17:30] [Physics] LavaSimulator not present or empty in world/world.ini, using the default of "Floody".
[08:17:30] [Generator] BiomeGen value not set in world.ini, using "MultiStepMap".
[08:17:30] [Generator] HeightGen value not set in world.ini, using "Biomal".
[08:17:30] Preparing spawn area in world "world"...
[08:17:30] 393 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
[08:17:32] 276 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
^C[08:17:34] 157 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
[08:17:36] 74 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
[08:17:38] 12 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
[08:17:39] Lighting spawn area in world "world"...
[08:17:39] 0 chunks remaining to light
[08:17:39] LUA: 6 - cannot open webadmin/template.lua: No such file or directory
[08:17:39] Can't load <webadmin_template> because of an error in file webadmin/template.lua
[08:17:39] Could not load WebAdmin template "webadmin/template.lua", using default template.
[08:17:39] Startup complete, took 10004 ms!
[08:17:39] Shutting down server...
[08:17:40] Saving all chunks...
[08:17:40] Saved all chunks in world world
[08:17:40] Waiting for the world storage to finish saving
[08:17:40] World storage thread finished
[08:17:41] Waiting for the world storage to finish saving
[08:17:41] World storage thread finished
[08:17:41] Cleaning up...
[08:17:41] Shutdown successful!
[08:17:41] --- Stopped Log ---
Yesterday it worked fine...Then I tried to install plugins and then this came up.
And I think it would be good to say that I have closed the Terminal before it stopped
No one can join on the Server...
I am using it on the Raspberry Pi.

Oh... I got it:
I didn't cd to it!
For all the ones, who are browsing this forum: YOU HAVE TO DO

cd ./MCServer

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Yes, so start the server in its root folder, instead of from another folder.
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