Set items to chest?
Is there anyway for set random items in the chests on the map, but not use hook OnPlayerUsedBlock, etc?

I do not like the way of hunger games plugin.
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Hi, welcome to the forum.

cWorld has the DoWithChestAt() function which lets you have any Lua function called with the cChestEntity parameter representing the chest:
Then you can simply use the cChestEntity's SetSlot() function to set the slots:
You'll need to handle the "random" part yourself in the plugin
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Thanks, can you give me an example of how to use them?
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-- ChestX, ChestY and ChestZ are coords of the chest, obtained elsewhere
cWorld:DoWithChestAt(ChestX, ChestY, ChestZ,
  function (a_ChestEntity)
    a_ChestEntity:SetSlot(0, 0, cItem(E_BLOCK_GOLD_BLOCK))  -- gold block to upper left slot
    a_ChestEntity:SetSlot(1, 0, cItem(E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SWORD, 500))  -- half-broken diamond sword to slot [1, 0]
    a_ChestEntity:SetSlot(3, cItem(E_ITEM_BOW)) -- regular bow to slot #3 ([3, 0], fourth slot)
    a_ChestEntity:SetSlot(math.random(27), cItem(256 + math.random(50)))  -- completely random item to a random slot
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I make the function and obtain the position of .ini for set the items, but this returns the position (in the LOG) and the server crashes... why?
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Hmm, I wrote the code wrong, the red "cWorld" in the second line should be "World" instead, a variable that holds a cWorld instance.

I wrote that off the top of my head with no checks whatsoever, so it might need further tweaking.
Thanks given by: agusnat16
Yes, it was the "World" now works, thanks again! Smile
EDIT (Last question): There any way that the coordinates do not appear in the log?
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I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific. What coordinates, how in log?
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When executing the function appears in the log "[00:55:26] x 345 y 64 z 274" for each chest...
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I don't think that is a message from the MCS; rather, it's from the plugin itself.
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