Fence Gates and Respawning
Okay, I am very new to MCServer. I've been pretty on-the-ball setting it all up. Took me some time to figure out and everything, and now I've gotten stumped on how to fix the issues I'm having. I'm sorry if there are already post about this, I can seem to use that search utility very well.

On to my issues...
Fence Gates aren't working right. When I place them down, they turn side-ways and I can't enter them properly. I'm not sure what to do about that at all.

And the respawning...
So, I've set my own spawn point and when people get on the server, they spawn there. All is good. Just after you die, there is no way to respawn. If you try to, the game glitches and starts freaking out. You can't move, but you can look around. It's almost like it's jumping from where you died to where you'd spawn back and forth really fast.

Please, if anyone would help me, I'd be very thankful.
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Hi, welcome to the forum.

I remember there have been some fence gate issues, but I believed those were fixed.

Respawning is a known bug, also thought to have been fixed. I'm reopening the bug on GitHub: https://github.com/mc-server/MCServer/issues/1103
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Are you sure you're using the latest version? Did you compile yourself, or did you download a precompiled one? Where from?
Note that if you used a precompiled windows version from http://mc-server.xoft.cz , make sure you got the last one, they usually sort the wrong way in the webpage, oldest first, so you need to go to the bottom of the list.
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Respawning was tested fixed. unless something else causes it. Try getting the latest version, as xoft says.
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Ah, I see. Somehow, I got a copy of one called "MCServer_Win_2014_06_14_03_00_b0f1707d50895d47634095592f68da63621f6507"
After looking at that link that xoft gave me, this is an obvious old one. Thanks again guys. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm not even sure where exactly I got this old of one. Weird.
Now Skeletomes don't have bows and can't die.

Why is it everything dies in one hit?
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You probably got it from there (the name matches what I use there); I occasionally clean up the executables on that website, move them into the Old folder, that's why it isn't there anymore.

I am aware of the 1-hit-dying, it must have already been reported. Not sure about the bow-less skeletons, search the issues on GitHub and if it's not there, report it there, please.
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The one-hit dying was fixed by tigerw, AFAIK.
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One hit deaths were fixed, but only for newly saved mobs.
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