[Fixed] Linux - Can't start Server
Heho Guys,

at first I want to tell you abit about me because I'm new here. My name is Andy #amazed and I come from the Bukkit/Spigot community to yours. I know the basics of java.

Since the I first heared that there are guys which made a Minecraft Server Client based on C++ I was amazed, but I didn't found your page at first. But than I found it because I were looking abit around at the Github of Howaner. So thanks to him Smile

So I started the test the Server Client and I only can say WOW.
(I did the tests on Windows)

So I planned to host a little server on my Linux (Debian) VServer I downloaded everything I need (think so) and than I tried to start the Server with "./MCServer" (I give the file 0777 permissions) but it didnt work Sad

So my question is how do I need to start the Server on Linux (Debian) and yes I got the right Version.

Thanks in advanced


(And sorry if there are any faults I'm from Germany)
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I moved this thread to "MCServer Discussion".
About your problem; I never worked with Linux so somebody else probably has to answer it. Sorry Sad
Thanks given by: AndyCraftz
Hello, and welcome.

So how did it exactly "not work"? Did you get any kind of error message? Or the server seemed to start and you couldn't connect? Or something different?

Does it work if you run the server as root? ("sudo ./MCServer").
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(08-22-2014, 04:50 AM)xoft Wrote: Hello, and welcome.

So how did it exactly "not work"? Did you get any kind of error message? Or the server seemed to start and you couldn't connect? Or something different?

Does it work if you run the server as root? ("sudo ./MCServer").

Yes I run him as root but I always got the same error message ... http://prntscr.com/4f2pvu here a screenshot
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It says the file is not there, are you running from the correct folder? You need to cd to the MCServer folder, then run the server; check with ls that it is listed.
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cd MCServer
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So I tried it agian but same error and I did "ls"

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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Weird. The executable is listed so it should work normaly.
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(08-22-2014, 05:15 AM)STR_Warrior Wrote: Weird. The executable is listed so it should work normaly.

But it dont Huh

But I got another question which kind oft type is the MCServer file ?

And thanks for helping me Smile You guys are awaysome!
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Can you post results of executing "ls -alF" command? It should list the MCServer file as a file several megabytes large:
pi@dvapi ~/mc-server/MCServer $ ls -alF
total 153880
drwxr-xr-x  9 pi pi     4096 Jun 19 22:28 ./
drwxr-xr-x 14 pi pi     4096 Jun 19 20:51 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 pi pi       12 Mar  5 11:37 banned.ini
-rw-r--r--  1 pi pi      107 May  2 21:54 ChunkWorx.ini
drwxr-xr-x  2 pi pi     4096 Apr 22 19:20 CommLogs/
-rw-r--r--  1 pi pi    22463 Mar 15 11:27 crafting.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 pi pi 42721683 Jun 19 22:28 MCServer*
drwxr-xr-x 16 pi pi     4096 Apr 29 11:50 Plugins/

The file should be an ELF executable, the command "file ./MCServer" should write something along these lines:
./MCServer: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.26, BuildID[sha1]=0xa56c6199f6ed6c25f8d74dff6b6ab65d1947d086, not stripped
(Note that these are for a Raspberry Pi)
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