Monsters Settings Help
Hi All,

On the web admin core server settings page. I saw Monster Settings has the Animals On selection box set to off. I'd like to turn it on. However, I see Animal Spawn Interval and Monster Types are both blank. What should be in these fields? I would like all monsters/animals. Not sure what the 'default' spawn interval should be.
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(09-09-2014, 11:41 PM)mistermsk Wrote: Hi All,

On the web admin core server settings page. I saw Monster Settings has the Animals On selection box set to off. I'd like to turn it on. However, I see Animal Spawn Interval and Monster Types are both blank. What should be in these fields? I would like all monsters/animals. Not sure what the 'default' spawn interval should be.

Hey, with the WebAdmin, it doesn't work for me, don't know why.
I've insert in the settings.ini following settings:

Types=bat, chicken, cow, horse, mooshroom, ocelot, pig, sheep, silverfish, skeleton, slime, spider, squid, wolf, zombie, villager

After i have restart the Server, all the settings filled in but it don't have an effect in game...

Sry for my bad english, i hope you understand me.

Nice greetings from Germany
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Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I'm afraid this setting has been obsoleted and we forgot to remove it from the webadmin. These settings were moved into individual worlds' world.ini files, so each world can specify what mobs it wants, independently of other worlds. The setting values are the same - AnimalsOn and Types in [Monsters] section. AnimalSpawnInterval has been removed altogether, as the spawning algorithm has changed completely and doesn't need any setup now.
Thanks given by: Gozza
(09-10-2014, 04:29 PM)xoft Wrote: Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I'm afraid this setting has been obsoleted and we forgot to remove it from the webadmin. These settings were moved into individual worlds' world.ini files, so each world can specify what mobs it wants, independently of other worlds. The setting values are the same - AnimalsOn and Types in [Monsters] section. AnimalSpawnInterval has been removed altogether, as the spawning algorithm has changed completely and doesn't need any setup now.

Thx Smile
Yes i've see it in an Example and i have it insert into the world.ini.
But i thought, in the settings.ini where the global settings for the mobs. In the webadmin section for world settings, is nothing to setup mobs.

Thank you for the information. Smile

Nice greetings
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(09-10-2014, 04:29 PM)xoft Wrote: Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I'm afraid this setting has been obsoleted and we forgot to remove it from the webadmin. These settings were moved into individual worlds' world.ini files, so each world can specify what mobs it wants, independently of other worlds. The setting values are the same - AnimalsOn and Types in [Monsters] section. AnimalSpawnInterval has been removed altogether, as the spawning algorithm has changed completely and doesn't need any setup now.

I have a problem with monsters. In my world I don't have any animals, just monsters.
My monsters settings:
Types=bat, cavespider, chicken, cow, horse, mooshroom, ocelot, pig, sheep, silverfish, skeleton, slime, spider, squid, wolf, zombie

I tried to debug the server and found one strange think, the function cChankDef::getBiomeAt always return biFirstBiome and array in this function a_BiomeMap contains only biFirstBiome elements. I think that this is a bug. Can you help me?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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That is VisualStudio trying to confuse you. It sees the value 0 in the array, and tries to be helpful by translating it to the enum symbol. Unfortunately there are two such symbols both representing zero - biFirstBiome and biOcean. VS just chooses one. So your chunk comprises of ocean only, which seems alright.

The problem with animals vs monsters is in the spawning. The spawning method MCS uses is almost what vanilla uses - it only spawns mobs. The reasoning behind it is that animals get generated within chunks and they don't despawn, so they shouldn't be spawned. Unfortunately MCS doesn't generate animals just yet, so the net result is that you don't get animals.
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(09-18-2014, 12:29 AM)xoft Wrote: That is VisualStudio trying to confuse you. It sees the value 0 in the array, and tries to be helpful by translating it to the enum symbol. Unfortunately there are two such symbols both representing zero - biFirstBiome and biOcean. VS just chooses one. So your chunk comprises of ocean only, which seems alright.

The problem with animals vs monsters is in the spawning. The spawning method MCS uses is almost what vanilla uses - it only spawns mobs. The reasoning behind it is that animals get generated within chunks and they don't despawn, so they shouldn't be spawned. Unfortunately MCS doesn't generate animals just yet, so the net result is that you don't get animals.

Why is it alright that the chunk comprises of ocean only? I stand on the ground but server thing that I am in the ocean? It is normar that I don't have cows, sheeps, horses, pigs in the world?
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Are you sure that the chunk you're viewing in the debugger is the one that you're standing in? It could be any loaded chunk around you or any other player.

It is normal that you don't have animals if the world was generated by MCServer. As I said, it doesn't generate animals yet, and the spawning algorithm is set not to spawn animals, because that's what vanilla does.
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