Grief prevention
Hi all,

I was wondering if one of you modding guru's can whip up an plugin that will prevent griefing on my server via an plugin. This Plugin already exsists for bukkit called 'Grief Prevention' and i would love to have it for MCServer!

grief prevention info:

youtube vid 1:

youtube vid 2:

EDIT by xoft:
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That looks incredibly useful. I think most of this plugin should be possible, with perhaps small exceptions that will need further extensions in the API.

And it also seems to come with an extensive documentation, finally! Smile
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im betting this isnt an easy plugin to create, but when its there i also believe it will be a extremly effective plugin!
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It shouldn't be too difficult to write, after all the Java sources are available.

I think, however, that anyone attempting to write this plugin should contact the original plugin's author and ask for approval. It doesn't hurt, I doubt you'd be refused, it will be cleaner that way and (judging by myself) the original author will be pleased that his work is appreciated that much.
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Is there anyone using this plugin on their server? I'd like to check out one thing and I don't have the server installed, would you let me on your server? Smile

Specifically, I want to test this scenario:
Player A places a single chest at the edge of their protected area, and drops some stuff in it
Player B places a chest next to it (allowed, because it's public area there), forming a dblchest with A's chest. Then player B can steal A's stuff from the dblchest.

I'm curious to see if this "griefing" is prevented or not.
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Another test to do: spawn a wither from blocks that are half on the protected area, half not.
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Yay, so today I tried the official GP server and was lucky enough to catch the author of GP there, so I asked him for permission to clone his plugin:
[Image: grief_prevention_agree.jpg]

And it's true, you can loot a chest that's placed on the edge of a protected area (tried that, worked) and the author said spawning a wither will most likely work, too (didn't try).
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(and I got 5000 protection blocks for finding that "bug" Smile
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GreatBig Grin
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awesome and nice of the auth to give premission! so... erhmm.. is the plugin ready ?Tongue haha
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