A faction plugin would be useful. Please make one! Smile
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i dont see a donwload link...
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That's because this is a plugin request not a release Wink
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Oooh, seems like a challenge. I am a big fan of Bukkit Factions myself, so I may take this up challenge when I get the free time. Big Grin
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Would anyone be so kind as to explain (in programmer's terms if possible) what Factions is about? What does it do, how does it interact with the players / world, what commands it uses etc.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
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Doesn't explain much.
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Essentially, what Factions does is it allows people to form a "clan" and ally with other "clans" and claim land that cannot be touched by other players directly. Factions have an important aspect called faction "power". For each individual player in a single faction, the maximum power level goes up by 10. As players are killed, their power level goes down and regenerates slowly. If a faction has more chunks claimed than their current power level, then another clan can come by and overclaim the land, making it theirs. Its basically a big territory based warfare plugin.

The main command is /f
Commonly used commands are /f claim (to claim a chunk for a faction), /f create [name] (to make a faction), /f sethome (sets a faction home), /f home (tp to faction home) and /f ally|enemy|neutral [name of other faction] (set relations with other factions.)
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I will add DiamondToaster, this plug-in is also interesting the fact that in the fractions is the head of the faction , he appoints people to take their faction as well , and removes them from office . That's about the power of each player , who is 10 , is a good idea to plug in , but I do not think that it should be restored , if the hero has lost his territory , he should win it, so plug more tempting . It will be very interesting RPG servers.
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