ClearLagg clone for MCServer


- Clear all entities (configurable time)
- Limit mobs

/lagg clearlagg.lagg
/lagg clear (clears all entities)
/lagg check (counts entities)
/lagg killmobs (kills all mobs)
/lagg info (shows current chunk count and ram usage)
/lagg unloadchunks (Saves and unloads chunks, then sends ram use statics)


TimeToRemove = 300 - Time until clearing all entities (in seconds, default 5 minutes)
RemovePickups = true - If true, pickups will be cleared
RemoveProjectiles = true - If true, projectiles will be cleared
RemoveMobs = false - If true, all mobs will be removed


MaxMobsInChunk = 6 - Max mobs in the same chunk
Monsters = 100 - Max monsters in world
Passive = 50 - Max passive mobs in world
Ambient = 15 - Max ambient mobs in world
Water = 15 - Max water mobs in world

Thanks given by: Antonio , elworro
New version
Added /lagg info
Added /lagg unloadchunks
Thanks given by: Antonio
is there a way to make an announciation into the server to warn the players that there items will be removed in x seconds???
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cRoot:BroadcastChatWarning(string.format("Items will be cleared in %i seconds", Seconds))

for implementation.

If you were referring to usage of the plugin, then I just misunderstood the questionTongue
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Thanks for your reply, all i wanted to do was adding 1 more message that warns te players for removal of items 10 seconds prior to the removal.

so i added a new variable and another elseif:

ToRemove2 = TimeUntilRemove - 200

elseif (Time == ToRemove2) then
cRoot:Get():BroadcastChat(cChatColor.Red.. "[ClearLagg] Ground items will be removed in 10 Seconds!")

I wonder if this will improve unwanted loss of items... or it will just come over as more spammyTongue... time will tell.. Smile
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I think ten seconds is far too small, and it is just spammy for most players.
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I think a rather good extension for this plugin would be to only remove pickups that are further than N blocks from any player (N being configurable). This way the player's won't lose items in their immediate surroundings.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE
(11-30-2014, 05:37 AM)xoft Wrote: I think a rather good extension for this plugin would be to only remove pickups that are further than N blocks from any player (N being configurable). This way the player's won't lose items in their immediate surroundings.
Maybe that can cause some performance decrease, if you have to check all pickups and players...

About custom warning time, I'll probably add it, but now I have the final exams so it won't be until next weekend.
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