German Help Page
I would like to make a German page about MCServer, how to use and a plugin list for easy download and search. But I have the questions can i use the plugins for a small download server with a homepage where you can register and upload like at ?

Sry for my bad englisch, but i hope you can understand meBig Grin
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I didnt understand it at all. Sorry.
A german page would be good.
If you want to make a plugin page like bukkit, go ahead.
If you want to make a plugin to make a plugin list, youll habe to wait until libevent support its finished.
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A site like and maybe if i good enough to make a plugin for the Webadmin where you can search and install plugins, but at the moment I need to learn more about Lua etc.
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Hi folks,

maybe i can help, Defkil.
[german]Schreib mir ne PM, wenn Hilfe benötigt wird[/german]

I've compiled and running a MCServer on a BananaPi (with Bananian) and will write a walkthrough for this device.

Maybe we could merge our work Wink
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I don't speak, write or understand German (which is sad because I was born in Berlin in 1954). I do have a Banana Pi and I had MCServer running on it last March but I have since downloaded the Cuberite binaries for Raspberry Pi and upgraded to the latest version of Bananian and am now unable to get it to execute. The following error displays when I try to execute:

pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception
[1] 1352 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./Cuberite

Does this mean anything to you?
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I can help.

--- german

Derzeit wird diskutiert wie genau ein plugin System aufzustellen ist dass es einfach klick und es läuft ist. Ansonsten kann ich nur auf meine Doku verweisen:

--- English
A system to install plugins in a proper was (and updates) is currently being discussed, but I wrote a guide in the other thread ( About the core dump, it means that the server crashed, but there is a complete memory dump of the process so developers can analyze it. Basically you have to hand these things to the devs:
* the cuberite binary (./Cuberite)
* maybe the system it's compiled for
* the core dump (mostly the file core or core.1093 (any number)
* logs would be nice.

Copy them in a new directory, run 'tar -zcf crashreport.tar.gz <Directory name> and hand them the generated crashreport.tar.gz
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Thanks for the information. I actually was able to resolve the problem by compiling Cuberite on the BananaPi to replace the pre-compiled build I had downloaded. I found some other threads on this forum that stated that was the workaround for now because there are so many variations of the Raspberry Pi that one binary cannot be expected to work on all of them.

I had a lot of trouble compiling at first because of missing dependencies but I persevered using "apt-get install", "apt-get update" and finally "apt-get install --fix-missing". I was then able to successfully execute the server and my wife connected and played for a couple of hours. I had to go to bed while she was still playing and I haven't talked to her yet as she is still sleeping. The server is still running and I just connected in game and everything appears to be working fine now.

Sorry I was too tired to add an update here before I went to bed but now we have several hours of successful testing and I am happy to report stuff works!

Thanks again for your help!!!
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apt-get dist-upgrade
To keep you system on the newest version (requires a reboot I think)
Thanks given by: mokanman
Appreciate the tip! Danke!
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apt-get never requires a reboot.
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