Problems with banners and potions
I'm running MCServer on a PogoPlug E02 with ArchLinuxARM. While I have quite a bit of experience with Linux I have virtually none with minecraft, so please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious.

I setup the server up so my grandkids could play with/against each other. They are running (as far as I know) stock versions of the 1.8 client.

My grandson tells me that Potions don't work and while he can make banners he can't place them anywhere.
Is there a setting or something that I'm missing?

I'm running Core v.14 that was current as of 2 weeks ago and I haven't made many changes to the default settings. Other than making the kids both admins and creating a second world, so far I've left everything else stock.

I'd also appreciate any suggestions for improving performance/stability/etc on the limited hardware I'm using (1.2Ghz ARMv5 with 256M Ram)
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Hello, welcome to the forum.
Some potions are not implemented, some work only partially. Generally, those added in 1.8 client are much less likely to work.
Banners are not implemented at all, so while you can craft them (the recipe is already present), there's no code that handles their placing.

Generally speaking, using a 1.7 client will give you a much more "complete" experience, as we haven't had much time to add the new 1.8 features. If you decide to go this way though, you will most likely need to wipe the current map - if there are any 1.8 blocks or items already present, they will crash the client.

I'm running an MCServer instance on the RasPi, which has specs even slightly lower than yours. I have disabled quite a lot of the server, but that is because it's a special-purpose world, the Gallery server, so I could afford things like non-functional fluid simulators, no redstone simulator and no mobs. If you cannot afford to lose any of these, then the best bet is to lower the maximum viewdistance, as that will decrease the load on both CPU and RAM. Use the [SpawnPosition].MaxViewDistance setting in each world's world.ini file to enforce a limit; the number you set it to is the number of chunks in each direction around the player to be sent to the player and "kept alive" by ticking. I think 4 should be the minimum that is still (somewhat) playable and has the least burden on the hardware.
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Thanks for the quick reply.

Is it possible to edit the world to remove 1.8 items? They have put a fair amount of work into buildings, etc. and I'm not sure they want to start from scratch.
On the other hand my granddaughter was mentioning wanting a world with a large flat space so they can build a huge castle. I see there is a Worldedit plugin. Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to use something like that?

I assume the view distance is a radius and that changing from the default of 10 to 8 will have a greater effect than going from 6 to 4? Right now there is just the two kids playing on it, although they might bring in some friends in the future. Still I doubt more than 4 or 5 total players.

However, from what I've been reading here, if we restart the worlds and they play with the 1.7 clients, when you add the 1.8 features we can then 'upgrade' the clients without having to restart the world again?

My grandson was also asking about some way to mark territory. Is that supported or is there a plugin for that? I saw one for restricting which players can access certain areas, but that's not what he wants. He wants something to tell other players that they are on land claimed by him.

Thanks again.
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All the 1.8 items are saved either in the players save file(players/<playeruuid>.json) if they had the item in their inventory, or in the chunk files(<worldname>/region/<chunks>.mca). There is no simple way to remove the 1.8 items from the chunk files. It might be possible to create a plugin that removes all the 1.8 blocks when a chunk is loading though.

Was your granddaughter talking about a whole flat world, or only a little flat area? If you want a whole flat world, then change/add the following things in your world's world.ini:



If not then you can use WorldEdit by:
  • Installing it of course Wink
  • Get the WorldEdit wand (The default is a wooden axe, but it can be changed. You can also get it by using //wand).
  • Select an area by using the right and left mouse button the 2 opposites corners of the area you want to change.
  • Then you can use //set <blocktype or name> to change the whole selection. for example //set grass will make the whole selected region grass.
  • Optional If you're not pleased with the outcome you can use //undo to undo your previous actions one by one.

If you are currently playing with 1.7 clients then you can upgrade easily to 1.8 because 1.8 also supports all the 1.7 blocks and items, but downgrading is harder because 1.7 doesn't know what to do with the 1.8 blocks.

Your grandson was maybe talking about a plugin called "factions", but as of yet MCServer doesn't have it.

Hope this helps Smile

Anyone got any improvements to this post? I have the feeling I'm missing something.
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