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Anyone interested in AngelScript?
So, I came across a nice-looking scripting language called AngelScript. Since I'll also be using this for a future project, I was thinking of attempting to export the Lua API to AngelScript and seeing how that works. It's a static-typed language and has a syntax almost identical to C++. Anyone interested in ever using this API if it came out?
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Unlike Lua, AngelScript comes with very little app-side documentation (after reading the docs for an hour, I was still unable to picture how it worked). Also the language seems a bit on the edge, it isn't used as much as Lua.

Given how much effort it would take to implement a second language into MCS, I vote "nay". I think your time would be much better spent improving the current Lua API or writing plugins or just any other improvement in MCS itself.
Thanks given by: LogicParrot
Alright, I could understand that, it does take quite a bit of effort to implement a whole API and keep it up to date. I'll look at improving other aspects then, I have a week long break from school now. Smile
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Lua works so good.
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I just find that it starts getting a bit unmanagable when trying to use OOP with metatables. It's purely personal opinion. Tongue
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I searched some more info about AngelScript because I think I'd enjoy programming in it, but found this instead: http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/...rt-1-r3521

It's a tutorial on how to implement AngelScript in a C++ programgame.

I just thought I'd leave it here since we had a post about it Wink
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