Name change debate in IRC.
We already have the IRC, no need to change over to some other propietary platform.
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I think gitter is better because it uses github accounts.
And it does also have options to create specific rooms and implement a link in the project README via PR for people to ask questions or so.
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What's confusing me a little is how much some of you want a name change. I don't have any say in all of this, but just watching on, it looks like to me, that some of you have a really strong dislike for "MCServer", the name. You're pouring your passion and lifeblood into it, and you think the name it's currently got, is a limiting factor on it's userbase. That's probably true.

Personally, I like plain names like that. And I'm usually the last person to agree to a name change because it's ... a change. A drastic one. I hope you can all settle this and everyone can smile just fine.

I'm really not part of the big party, but, wouldn't it make sense to first talk to the project lead about the name change? From what I've read, that person said something to the point that he hadn't seen a proposal he liked, yet. Could be that I'm mistaken.

There's one other reason I don't like the IRC-Chat or whatever-Chat proposal, personally. Once it's in use, I don't believe people will make the effort to repeat their most important points made in the chat again, on the forum here. The people involved with the project will be scattered about, people will keep missing important bits of information will have to ask. People not using IRC will have to chase the information they need, if it's not on the forum, too. The forum is small, and chances are that you won't overlook anything of importance. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely do love and support IRC. For fun stuff. When it comes to a coordinated effort, like programming stuff ... just ... not. I don't speak from experience, it's a gut feeling.

If not all people go to the chat, ditch the chat. But everyone's on here, right now.
Thanks given by: NiLSPACE

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